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E. The terms of all members of the Council shall continue until their successors are appointed.

F. Members shall serve without compensation, but necessary travel or other expenses incurred by a member in connection with the transaction of Council business may be reimbursed.

III. [[underlined]] OFFICERS [[/underlined]]

A. The officers of the Council shall be a Chairman and a Vice Chairman who shall be elected annually by the members from the membership of the Council. 

B. The Chairman shall preside at all meetings and shall have the usual powers of a presiding officer. The Chairman and the Director shall be [[underlined]] ex officio [[/underlined]] members of all committees of the Council. 

C. The Vice Chairman shall perform the Chairman's duties in the absence or disability of the Chairman. 

D. The terms of all officers of the Council shall continue until their successors are elected. 

IV. [[underlined]] COMMITTEES [[/underlined]]

A. The Chairman of the Council, with the concurrence of the Director of the Museum, may establish standing or [[underlined]] ad hoc [[/underlined]] committees to assist the Council in the transaction of its business. 

B. Members and chairmen of standing committees shall be appointed by the Chairman with the approval of the Council, and shall serve for terms of two years. 

C. Members and chairmen of [[underlined]] ad hoc [[/underlined]] committees shall be appointed by the Chairman, and shall serve at the pleasure of the Council. 

D. The chairman of any committee shall be a member of the Council, but persons who are not members of the Council may be appointed as members of committees. 

E. Established committees shall meet at such times and places as designated by the committee chairman or as otherwise agreed by the Council. 

V. [[underlined]] MEETINGS [[/underlined]]

A. There shall be not less than two regular meetings of the Board each year. One regular meeting shall be the Annual Meeting, at which officers of the Council will be elected. The Annual Meeting shall be held in Washington, D.C. in the spring. The second regular meeting of the Council may be held at some area of research interest to the Museum. The Director of the Museum, in consultation with the Chairman of the Council, will designate the time and place of regular meetings. Members will be given notice of regular meetings not less than six months in advance of a meeting.