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B. Special meetings of the Council may be called by the Director upon giving to the members, not less than twenty-one days in advance of the meeting, written notice of the time and place of the meeting.

C. The presence at a meeting of the Council of one-half of the total membership then appointed shall be necessary and sufficient to constitute a quorum. The Council may take action upon the agreement of a majority of the members present at a meeting at which a quorum is present.

D. The Director of the Museum shall provide to the Council the current mission statement of the Museum, and annually shall report to the Council on the goals, strategies, and a summary budget for the Museum. Not less than fourteen days prior to each regular meeting, the Director shall distribute to the members of the Council the agenda for the meeting, including appropriate information concerning the Museum's progress and current issues of importance to the Museum in attaining its goals, and information on such other matters as the Council may request.

E. The Director shall cause to be kept minutes of all meetings of the Council and its committees.

VI.   [[underlined]] AMENDMENTS [[/underlined]]

These bylaws may be amended only by action of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution. The Council or the Director of the Museum may recommend bylaw amendments to the Board of Regents for its approval.


Mr. Adams introduced the following report of the Commission of the National Portrait Gallery,  and it was

VOTED that in accordance with Public Law 87-443 the Board of Regents reappoints to the Commission of the National Portrait Gallery Robert L. McNeil, Jr. and appoints Stephen Jay Gould, Marta (Mrs. Eugene) Istomin and David Levering Lewis to terms expiring November 1995.

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The provisions of Public Law 87-443, April 27, 1962, provided for the establishment of the National Portrait Gallery as a bureau in the Smithsonian Institution and for the creation of the National Portrait Gallery Commission. The statute states that the number, manner of appointment, and tenure of the members of the Commission, and the rules and regulations for the conduct of the affairs of the Commission, shall be such as the Board of Regents may from time to time prescribe. The Commission's Bylaws, which were amended in 1981, established the normal term of service on the Commission as six years, renewable as appropriate.