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b. With respect to any matter on which the Executive Committee finds that action should not be deferred, the Executive Committee may exercise all of the powers of the Council during the intervals between meetings of the Council.

c. Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be called by the Chairman and held at such times and places as may be fixed by him or her. Notice of all such meetings shall be communicated by mail, telegram, or telephone to all members thereof at least three days in advance of the meeting. The Committee shall keep regular minutes of its proceedings and a report shall be sent to all members of the Council.

3. a. The Committee on Collections shall consist of at least three members of the Council who shall be appointed annually by the Chairman of the Council.

b. In accordance with the policies adopted by the Board of Regents in May 1970 (see attachment to Bylaws), and with the exceptions noted in (d.) below, the Committee on Collections shall consider the accession of objects for the Cooper-Hewitt Museum Collections recommended by the Director and the deaccession of objects and their disposition by exchange, gift, sale, or other means, and make recommendations thereon to the Council for subsequent approval by the Secretary. Between meetings of the Council, the Committee on Collections shall have vested in it full authority to recommend to the Secretary accession (by gift or purchase) for the collections of the Cooper-Hewitt Museum. A report of such recommendations will be presented to the Council at its next formally constituted meeting.

c. In carrying out the duties of the Committee on Collections under (b.) above, the concurrence of at least majority of the members is required.

d. Individual purchases of objects for the collections at $10,000 or less may be made, and gifts judged to be valued at $10,000 or less may be accepted by the Director at her or his discretion and will be reported to the Council at its next meeting.

4. Other Committees consisting of at least one member of the Council and any desired number of associates, not necessarily members of the Council (when selected in consultation with the Director of the Museum and the Council), may be appointed by the Chairman of the Council on any subject coming within the purview of the Council.