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VOTED that the Board of Regents authorizes the Secretary to establish, as part of the Institution's Endowment funds, a quasi-unrestricted fund to be known as the Dorothy B. Koteen Fund and to authorize the transfer of the unrestricted monies identified for this purpose.

The Institution received an anonymous unrestricted gift of $25,000 and a $10,000 unrestricted bequest from the estate of Betty J. Morgan, former Assistant Treasurer of the Institution. These two amounts will be placed in the endowment. As requested in the bequest and as befits the many contributions of Betty J. Morgan to the Institution, a named endowment was passed:

VOTED that the Board of Regents authorizes the Secretary to establish, as part of the Institution's endowment funds, a true unrestricted fund to be known as the Gilbert B. and Betty J. Morgan Memorial Fund and to authorize the transfer of the unrestricted monies identified for this purpose.

An October 1987 grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to the Freer and Sackler Galleries provided that a permanent endowment be established with the stipulation that Mellon funds be matched by other endowment gifts. An anonymous gift of $150,000 has been received; the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation will be adding $75,000. As required by the gift and grant documents, the following motion was passed:

VOTED that the Board of Regents authorizes the Secretary to establish, as part of the Institution's endowment funds, a true restricted fund to be known as the Mellon Publications Endowment Fund and to authorize the transfer of the restricted monies.

The Institution has received a gift from Bruce F. Springsteen in the amount of $250,000 to establish an endowment commemorating the accomplishments of John Hammond through presentation of live music at the National Museum of American History. The following motion was passed:

VOTED that the Board of Regents authorizes the Secretary to establish, as part of the Institution's Endowment funds, a restricted fund to be known as the John Hammond Performance Series Fund and to authorize the transfer of the restricted monies identified for this purpose.

The Office of Membership and Development has launched a fund-raising effort to garner endowment funds for environmental issues. It is hoped that monies can be raised under this broad rubric to support programs currently dependent upon unrestricted operating funds. However, it is recognized that a major donor may wish a dedicated fund for more restrictive purposes. The following motion was passed: