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VOTED that the Board of Regents authorizes the Secretary to establish as part of the Institution's Endowment funds a restricted fund to be known as the Global Environmental Fund and to authorize the transfer of restricted monies raised or to be raised for this purpose.

[[underlined]] Fiscal Year 1990 - Budget and Projected (Schedules C and D) Federal Appropriations [[/underlined]]: The Federal budget figures have been changed to reflect final conference committee action which was subsequently enacted as Public Law 101-121. An analysis of this year's appropriation was given in September and in the November [[underlined]] Newsletter to the Regents [[/underlined]]. The table below, which tracks Congressional action on the Smithsonian's original request, is repeated here for reference.

[[underlined]] FY 1990 Budget [[/underlined]]

[[6 column table]]
[[headings are underlined]]
Salaries and Expenses | $211,240 | $227,737 | $231,981 | $223,029 | $225,480

Repair and Restoration | 20,735 | 26,653 | 26,869 | 26,653 | 26,469

National Zoo Construction | 5,305 | 6,500 | 6,500 | 6,500 | 6,424

-Museum of the American Indian | -0-  | -0- | 2,900 | 1,000 | 1,620

-Whipple Base Camp | 3,185 | -0- | -0- | -0- | -0-

-Tropical Research Institute | 2,700 | 3,480 | 3,480 | 1,780 | 1,930

-Alterations & Modifications | 2,020 | 4,040 | 4,040 | 4,040 | 4,040

-Construction Planning | 750 | 730 | 730 | 730 | 730 

-General Post Office Building Design | -0- | 1,750 | 1,750 | -0- | -0- 
[[tally lines]]
TOTAL | $245,935 | $270,890 | $278,250 | $263,732 | $266,693
[[/6 column table]]

It is too early in the year to identify any specific reprogrammings. However, the Institution will be required to absorb the 3.6% pay raise for all Federal employees effective January 1, 1990, the Gramm-Rudman sequestration and the unfunded utilities costs now payable to the District government. The Gramm-Rudman reduction will be approximately 1.7% less than the 5.3% cut originally reported November; effectively $9,617,000 has been restored to the fiscal year 1990 appropriation. It is estimated, on the other hand, that unfunded utilities will tax the Institution by $2.7 million.