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will generate some income, this activity is viewed as an important support service to other auxiliary activities as well as Smithsonian development offices.

Finally, Dinamation has proposed cooperating on an exhibition of mechanical dinosaurs in the National Museum of Natural History. To fund the exhibition it will be necessary to charge admission ($4.00 for adults; $2.00 for children). This project is expected to be a net generator of income (upwards of $1,000,000) for the benefit of the Institution, the National Museum of Natural History, and Dinamation, a venture capital enterprise.

[[underline]] Fiscal Year 1991 - Budget (Schedule E) [[/underline]] 

The fiscal year 1991 Trust and Federal Budgets remain the same as approved by the Regents at the September 1989 meeting. The Institution, however, has since received the Office of Management and Budget allowance (passback) for the Federal budget. This allowance establishes the basis for the subsequent submission of the fiscal year 1991 request to Congress. The chart below summarizes the results of the passback:

(Dollars in thousands)

Appropriation  FY 1991  FY 1991  FY 1990

[[underline]] Account  Request to OMB  OMB Passback  APPROPRIATION [[/underline]] 

Salaries & Expenses $283,769 $256,174 $225,480

Zoo Construction 19,100 6,671 6,424

Repair & Restoration 35,000 28,656 26,469

Construction [[underline]] 61,490 16,189 
8,320 [[/underline]]

Total Smithsonian $399,359 $307,690 $266,693

As previously noted, the Institution's aggressive approach to the 1991 request ran head long into the realities of Gramm-Rudman and the current Administration's efforts to deal with the Federal deficit. As a result, the passback was $42.0 million more than the 1990 appropriation, but $91.7 million [[underline]] less [[/underline]] than requested. With persistent negotiation, the Smithsonian's Office of Planning and Budget obtained two technical corrections to the passback, resulting in $16 million more than [[underline]] originally [[/underline]] communicated by OMB to achieve the final $307,690,000.

I'm the Salaries and Expenses account, the passback provides for certain uncontrollable costs such as annualization of 1990 new positions, the cost of the 1990 pay raise, other necessary pay, reimbursement to the District government for utilities, and inflationary costs. As directed by the Office of Management and Budget, new growth includes $2.9 million for the National Museum of the American Indian, $1.2 million for the repatriation of skeletal remains, $1.0 million for global change research, and $300,000 for Quincentenary programs. 

The construction account provides $8.1 million for the National Museum of the American Indian and another $8.1 million directed as follows: $1.5 million for the Natural History East Court Project, $1.6 million for the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute floating Laboratory, $1.0 million for construction planning for the General Post Office Building and other projects, and $4.0 million for minor construction. The request for $38.2 million to renovate