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[[underlined]] World War II Memorial and Museum [[/underlined]] - On September 26 the House Committee on Veterans Affairs reported H.R. 2807, which includes language to encourage the Smithsonian and other Federal agencies to develop and promote exhibitions and commemorations in honor of WW II veterans.


Introducing the report and recommendation which appear below, Secretary Adams noted that there have been several developments too recent to be included in the prepared materials. First, he noted, correspondence has been received from a number of interested officials, and he drew the Regents' attention to letters from the following:

[[2 columns]]
[[headings underlined]]

Sender | Date
Governor William Donald Schaefer | January 24, 1990
Congressman Tom McMillen | January 25, 1990
Congressman Benjamin L. Cardin | January 25, 1990
Mayor of Denver Federico Pena | January 16, 1990
Mayor of Denver Federico Pena | January 23, 1990
Governor Lawrence Douglas Wilder | January 24, 1990
Senator Jake Garn | January 25, 1990
Virginia Congressional Delegation | January 25, 1990
General Assembly of Virginia | January 25, 1990
Virginia Aviation Board | January 18, 1990
Committee for Dulles | January 19, 1990
Arlington County Chamber of Commerce | January 23, 1990
Prince William County Chamber of Commerce | January 22, 1990
Air Line Pilots Association | January 26, 1990
[[/2 columns]]

(These letters will be kept on file in the Office of the Secretary. In addition, Mrs. Armstrong reported that Congressman Wolf of Virginia indicated to her his strong interest in the matter.)

A second major development in recent days was the receipt of a generous proposal from the City of Denver to use a portion of the facilities at Stapleton Airport, which is scheduled to be replaced as the city's airport by a new facility in several years. While this proposal held considerable interest for the Regents, it was clear in discussion that it was viewed as too late in arriving to be given the type of comprehensive analysis applied to