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compiling information on the status of the collections and associated data, identifying the preparations that must be made for Smithsonian custody of the collections and for their move, and preparing a report on these matters for Smithsonian management and others with interests in them. With this information the Institution will be in a better position to establish timetables and make long-range budget projections.

The Office of Accounting and Financial Services, the Office of Risk Management, the Office of Sponsored Projects, and Museum Shops -- all under the direction of Treasurer Ann Leven -- also are working toward a smooth transition of operations. Issues to be resolved include conversion of the existing museum's accounting systems to the Smithsonian standard, provision of appropriate insurance coverage, continuation of existing grants and contracts, and supervision of the museum shop at Audubon Terrace.

Representatives of the Assistant Secretary for Museums and the Office of Facilities Services met on December 7 with representatives of the City and State of New York on the issues the Custom House renovation, program, and schedule. Recognizing the interests of the City and State in establishing a significant presence for the new Museum there as soon as possible, that facility has priority over others in the planning process. While completion cannot be expected by the summer of 1992, some space in the Custom House can be used for exhibition of material from the Heye Foundation collection at that time to coincide with the Columbus Quincentenary. Formal opening of the National Museum's new George Gustav Heye Center at the Custom House, with finished space, a fully-realized program, and staff in place, will occur at a later date.

Assuming the availability of sufficient funding, as well as the coordination of Smithsonian activities with those of the General Services Administration, the following facilities planning schedule is envisioned:

(In millions of dollars)
[[10 column table]]
[[headings are underlined]]

Project Schedule | Totals | FY 1990 | FY 1991 | FY 1992 | FY 1993 | FY 1994 | FY 1995 | FY 1996 | FY 1997

Custom House | 25.0 | 1.8p/d | 21.5c | 1.7e | + | * |  |  |
Suitland Collection | 44.0 | 0.3p | 2.0d | 29.7c | 12.0e | c | + |  |
Mall Museum | 106.0 | 0.8p | 0.7p | 7.0d | d | 87.5c | 10.0e | c | +
Total | 175.0 | 2.9 | 24.2 | 38.4 | 12.0 | 87.5 | 10.0 |  | 
[[/10 column table]]

Planning and Programming = p
Design = d
Construction = c
Equipping = e
Occupy = +
Open = *