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Muser, Curt

A retired executive from Uniroyal, Mr. Muser was the first chairman of Board of Trustees of the Heye Foundation after reconstitution by New York Attorney General, and he continues to serve as a Trustee. He compiled [[underlined]] Facts and Artifacts of Ancient Middle America [[/underlined]].

Nielsen, Waldemar A.

Former economist at the U.S. Department of State, Ford Foundation officer, and Executive Director of White House Commission on International Educational and Cultural Programs, Mr. Nielsen is an author and program director at the Aspen Institute. He is currently a Trustee of the Heye Foundation.

Ortiz, Alfonso (Ph.D.)

An anthropologist at the University of New Mexico who is a San Juan Pueblo/Tewa. Without doubt the outstanding Indian intellectual in the country, Dr. Ortiz enjoys enormous credibility among non-Indian scholars and has served in a variety of highly visible national positions.

Pease-Windy Boy, Janine

Head of the community college on the Crow Reservation. A highly effective college president, for the past two years she has been chairman of the American Indian Community College Association. She has also had considerable fund-raising experience and knows her way around Capitol Hill.

Rockefeller, David

A banker and real estate investor in New York, Mr. Rockefeller and his family have long held an interest in the Museum of the American Indian, and he is currently a member of the Heye Foundation Board of Trustees.

Scheirbeck, Helen M.

Director of the North Carolina Indian Cultural Center. A Lumbee, Dr. Scheirbeck was formerly Regional Director of the Save the Children Foundation in Westport, Connecticut.

Thomas, David Hurst (Ph.D.)

Curator at the American Museum of Natural History and a member of the National Academy of Sciences. He is a distinguished scholar who is extremely knowledgeable about museum-based research.

Warman, Arturo (Ph.D.)

Head of the Instituto Nacional Indigenista in Mexico, Dr. Warman is a solid scholar and politician who is fluent in English. He is thoroughly familiar with the history and culture of all the Americas.