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The Secretary introduced the report below, and as suggested, the following motion was approved:

VOTED that the Board of Regents requests its Congressional members to introduce and support legislation to provide authority for construction of new space in the East Court of the Natural History Building.

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The Regents will recall that at their September meeting a strategy for renewal of the Natural History Building, involving construction of new space in its East Court, together with renovation of space and replacement of systems throughout the existing structure, was proposed. The new construction is estimated at $30,000,000 and the renovation at $116.3 million. At its meeting in October the Audit and Review Committee examined this proposal. As noted in its report, which is included under Tab 5 of these materials, the Committee endorsed that plan.

The Institution has authority for the renovation work. Currently $10.95 million is available for its planning, design, and initial construction. An additional increment of $10.14 million has been requested for its continuation in fiscal year 1991.

The fiscal year 1991 request also includes a request for $1.5 million for planning of the East Court construction. Additional authority, however, is required to secure these funds and subsequent amounts for construction and equipment. A draft bill is attached, and the following motion is suggested:

VOTED that the Board of Regents requests its Congressional members to introduce and support legislation to provide authority for construction of new space in the East Court of the Natural History Building.