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The passback provided $31.6 million in the Repair and Renovation account. In the National Zoological Park Construction account, the passback provides $8.0 million to continue with the highest priority projects in their master plan.

[[underlined]] Nonappropriated Trust Funds [[/underlined]]: As previously reported the Trust fund budget is being formulated without any provisions for funding for new programs. In light of the current economic uncertainties and the possible impact of a worsening situation in the Persian Gulf, the Institution is waiting until May to finalize its fiscal year 1992 Trust Fund budget. This will permit staff to estimate more realistically auxiliary activity income and set program allotments. At this point, it is anticipated that reductions to the original fiscal year 1991 Trust Fund budget will likely need to be sustained with the possibility of additional reductions being necessary.

[[underlined]] Endowments [[/underlined]]

In 1989, the National Air and Space Museum entered into an agreement with the Martin Marietta Corporation to establish the "Martin Marietta Internship." As part of that agreement, the museum agreed to use unrestricted funds at its disposal to match Martin Marietta's contribution to the original Martin Marietta Chair in Space History. The agreement further provides that the matching amount, approximately $175,000, be maintained with only the earnings available to fund a series of ten-week graduate and undergraduate internships. As a result of the above, the Regents are asked to approve the following motion:

VOTED that the Board of Regents authorizes the Secretary to establish, as part of the Smithsonian's endowment funds, a quasi-unrestricted fund to be known as the Martin Marietta Internship Endowment and to authorize the transfer of the unrestricted monies identified for this purpose.