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Proceedings of the Meeting of the Board of Regents
September 16, 1991


[[2 column table]]

| Study of Consolidation and Potential Relocation of Smithsonian Business Fulfillment Operations | 19 |

| Drug-Free Workplace Program | 20 |

| Revised Format for Smithsonian Annual Report | 22 |

| Recent Indirect Cost and Audit Issues for Federal Grants and Contracts | 23 |

| Legislative Actions and Issues: Zoo Police Pay, Federalization of SITES and Status of Other Legislation | 25 |

| Status Reports | 31 |

| The Geographical Dispersion of Smithsonian Operations--An Update | 31 |
| Smithsonian-Wide Accounting and Management Information System | 31 |
| Senior Level Compensation | 32 |
| Semi-Annual Report: A View of Equal Opportunity - March 1991 | 33 |
| Financial Interest Reporting System (Revised Applicability) | 34 |
| Litigation Report | 35 |
| Smithsonian Position on Proposed IRS Regulations Affecting Corporate Contributions for International Activities | 37 |
| NMAI National Campaign | 39 |
| Scholars' Residence | 42 |
| Administrative Service Center | 42 |
| Development Initiatives | 43 |
| Old General Post Office Building | 44 |
| National Postal History and Philatelic Museum | 45 |
| Mpala Research Center | 45 |
| Feasibility Study of a Tour of the National Gem Collection | 46 |
| Major Construction Activities | 46 |

| Report of Nominating Committee | 49 |

| Amendments to the Bylaws of the Board of Regents | 56 |

| The Secretary's Report | 57 |

| Financial Matters, Fiscal Years 1991-1993 | 62 |

| Smithsonian Revised Indemnification Resolution | 85 |

| National Center for Biological Diversity | 97 |