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Smithsonian Institution
Funding Goals
Fiscal Years 1993 - 1997
(Millions of Dollars)

[[6 column table]]

|   | FY 93 | FY 94 | FY 95 | FY 96 | FY 97 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| OPERATING FUNDS: | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Federal Salaries and Expenses | $377 | $408 | $434 | $465 | $483 |
| Trust Funds /1 | 271 | 291 | 305 | 319 | 332 |
| Government Grants and Contracts | 38 | 39 | 37 | 38 | 38 |
| Total Operating Funds | $686 | $738 | $776 | $822 | $853 |
| Repair and Restoration /2 | $37 | $37 | $39 | $37 | $39 |
| Smithsonian Construction /3 | 80 | 144 | 78 | 75 | 68 |
| Zoo Construction and Improvements | 16 | 22 | 18 | 13 | 20 |
| TOTAL FUNDING /4 | $819 | $941 | $911 | $947 | $980 |

/1 Reflects gross income including cost of operation.

/2 Reflects Federal appropriation for Repair, Restoration, and Code Compliance, and Major Capital Renewal.

/3 Reflects Federal appropriations for Construction, Alterations, Modifications, and Construction Planning. The Institution plan to supplement certain construction projects with nonappropriated funds.

/4 The Institution will revise projections based on: effects of Congressional action on the fiscal year 1992 pending budget request: any budget-reducing sequester: further information OMB on economic and pay assumptions for the planning period: and further Institutional review of projections as submitted by Smithsonian organizations.


VOTED that the Board of Regents endorses the revised guidelines for its consideration of proposals to name Smithsonian facilities in recognition of significant corporate support.

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