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Assistant Secretary for Research, to examine which issues need to be addressed for STRI in the post-Treaty era, and to make recommendations on laws, regulations, and procedures necessary to accommodate the new era of relations with the Republic. Since Panama is facing a national election in 1994, and the U.S. presence in Panama is already being reduced, it is imperative that the Institution move rapidly in its planning, well before the Treaties' expiration date. It is expected that the Commission's work will be completed by mid-1993 in order to allow sufficient time in which to implement the necessary changes. It is also anticipated that proposed changes will require coordination, both within the U.S. and Panamanian legal and administrative frameworks. Coordination with other U.S. entities operating in Panama will be maintained to ensure adequate communications.


At the Smithsonian's fiscal year 1990 appropriations hearing, Senator Byrd asked the Institution to consider the establishment of a Smithsonian facility in West Virginia. In response, the Institution conducted a preliminary study to determine the feasibility of locating a fulfillment center in the state to house mail order and, perhaps, other Institutional fulfillment activities. On March 15, 1990, the Secretary wrote to Senator Byrd that $300,000 would be required to complete the necessary studies before any final decision is made. The Department of the Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill for fiscal year 1991 contained $300,000 for that purpose.

This summer, the Institution contracted with Coopers & Lybrand for three studies to satisfy the requirements of Congress and internal business concerns. These studies are:

1. Feasibility Study
A pan-Institutional inventory of major Smithsonian fulfillment requirements to determine what activities can be consolidated in a single location and management structure.

A five-year projection of Smithsonian mail order operations, with special attention to fulfillment needs in the future, as well as future savings and benefits that might be realized in a new modern location.

2. Site Selection Study

A detailed relocation study to research and prioritize the complex criteria required of a fulfillment center to service customers throughout the United States and in foreign countries from the state of West Virginia.