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Revenue Report

As of August 19, 1991, the National Campaign for the National Museum of the American Indian had secured $874,821:

NMAI National Campaign - - Revenue Report
(As of August 19, 1991)

[[2 columns]]
NMAI Construction Fund Account

Newspaper Advertisement Responses ^1 | $61,645.00
Corporate Matching Gifts | 140.00
Anonymous Donor | 50,000.00
Special Events | 1,124.37
Unsolicited small donations | 6,803.00
Sub-Total | $119,712.37

Membership Program

Gross Revenue ^2 | $421,803.00

NMAI Restricted Fund Account

Dances with Wolves | $30,769.18
Business Supporters Program ^3 | 3,110.00
Other | 8,760.48
Sub-Total | $42,639.66

Program Related Support (Restricted Grants)

Educational Foundation of America | $10,000.00
Ford Foundation | 50,000.00
German Marshall Fund of the U.S. | 15,000.00
Mr. David Rockefeller | 100,000.00
Merck Family Fund | 60,000.00
Newspaper ad signers solicitation | 55,666.00
Sub-Total | $290,666.00

GRAND TOTAL | $874,821.03

1/ Includes 1,599 responses with an average gift of $38.55
2/ Includes 15,247 membership registrations through August 15, 1991
3/ Includes 15 Business Supporters through August 16, 1991


One highlight of the Campaign's accomplishments during fiscal year 1991 was the completion of two tests (in March and June, respectively) which have resoundingly indicated that a full-scale membership program for the Museum would be an appropriate and productive vehicle for building a broadly-based constituency who will support the Museum. The goal of the Campaign is to secure 80,000 members by 1996.