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received form the State and City, the Smithsonian will solicit construction bids.  Construction of the new building addition for the Research Branch of the Museum of the American Indian is now 55% complete, and occupancy is scheduled for November 1991.  The project was delayed several months while correcting previously existing storm drainage problems on the site, which held up issuance of the building permit by the City of New York.  The addition will house functions related to ongoing collections management, artifact selection for exhibits in the Custom House and Mall Museum, and conservation and packing of artifacts for eventual relocation to Suitland, Maryland.

Design of the Laboratory on Barro Colorado Island at the Tropical Research Institute is nearly complete.  Construction bids will be solicited this fall.  The project will also incorporate the new pier, a petroleum storage facility, additional staff housing and extensions of the main utilities and pathway.  The design of the Galeta Laboratory and staff housing project will be complete early this fall.  The Institution awarded the contract for design of STRI's floating laboratory in July.

The staff is negotiating a final fee with an architectural and engineering firm for the last phase of the Suitland Master Plan.  The study will establish appropriate placement of structures, roads and infrastructure and landscaping that will form an integrated complex of buildings and services to support management of and research on the National Collections.  The consultant will also develop a long range construction phasing plan and complete an environmental analysis.

The Institution has selected an architectural and engineering firm for design of the East Court Building and final negotiation is in progress.  The contract for construction of the new underground chiller plant at the Natural History Building was awarded in early August.  The new plant is scheduled for completion in 1993.  The contract for design of the mechanical equipment buildings for the East and West wings, and for roof repair and renovation of the windows in the wings will be complete in late 1991.

Phase II of the Major Capital Renewal program at the Museum of American History is substantially complete.  The project includes replacement of utility systems, removal or containment of asbestos and installation of fire protection systems in the west central quadrant of the building.  Phase III, which includes the same kind of work in the west quadrant, is now 65% complete.  The Institution will complete the renovation project, which will also include work in the office areas of the fourth and fifth floors, in fiscal year 1994.  A subsequent project will renovate the systems serving the basement, beginning in fiscal year 1995.

The renovation of the Freer Gallery is now 99% complete.  The project includes construction of the underground link to the Sackler Gallery, construction of new storage space beneath the courtyard, and expansion of the conservation laboratory in the basement.  The collection storage area was occupied in mid-March; full occupancy of the remainder of the building is scheduled for September 1991.  Repairs to the gallery level of the building are now 48% complete.  This project will include a number of repairs to public space of the building, including correcting electrical and lighting problems, and repairing deteriorated walls and marble floors.  The staff expects the project to be substantially complete in January 1992.  Replacement of the roof