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JUNE 1991


Born: October 25, 1930, Heidelberg, Germany

Charles M. Gray 1954
A.B. Harvard University 1949
Ph.D. Harvard University 1956

B.A. Bryn Mawr College 1950
Fulbright Scholar, Oxford University
Ph.D. (History) Harvard University 1957

1953-54 Instructor, Bryn Mawr College
1955-57 Teaching Fellow, Harvard University
1957-59 Instructor, Harvard University
1959-60 Assistant Professor, Harvard University; Head Tutor, Committee on Degrees in History and Literature
1961-64 Assistant Professor, University of Chicago
1963-64 Visiting Lecturer, Harvard University
1964-72 Associate Professor, University of Chicago
1970-71 Visiting Professor, University of California at Berkeley
1972-74 Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and Professor, Northwestern University
1974-78 Provost, Yale University; Professor of History
1977-78 Acting President, Yale University
1978-   President, University of Chicago; Professor of History

Fellowships, etc.:

1960-61 Fellow, Newberry Library
1966-67 Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences
1970-71 Visiting Scholar, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences
1971-72 Visiting Scholar, Phi Beta Kappa
1978-   Honorary Fellow, St. Anne's College, Oxford University

Corporate Board Directorships:

Ameritech (American Information Technologies Corporation)
Atlantic Richfield Company
Cummins Engine Company
J.P. Morgan and Company/Morgan Guaranty Trust Co.