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[[4 column table]]
| Account | FY 91 Appropriation | FY 92 Request to Congress | FY 93 Request to OMB |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |

Salaries & Expenses | $258.0 | $292.5 | $377.4 |

Repair & Restoration | 31.2 | 31.6 | $36.5 |

Construction | 15.4 | 25.1 | $79.6 |

Zoo Construction | 6.6 | 8.0 | $15.9 |

Total | 311.2 | $357.2 | $509.4 |
[[/4 column table]]
Figure 4

One immediately sees on this table that the Institution's fiscal year 1993 request represents a significant increase over OMB's allowances for the last couple of years. The staff has no illusions about the Federal budget and its environment, but it does accept responsibility to document the Smithsonian's needs and submit them for OMB's consideration.

Turning to the Smithsonian's trust funds, Mrs. Suttenfield mentioned that each quarter since the middle of 1990 the Institution has sustained successive shortfalls in virtually every one of its business activities. The illustration in Figure 5 (below) shows the magnitude of the present year's decline relative to previous fiscal years, a decline which actually began in the summer of 1990 when bad press about the District of Columbia discouraged visitation throughout all of the Smithsonian's museums. And visitation further deteriorated in January and February when the Middle East crisis was at its height. When the national economic recession took hold in the spring, the decline continued in all business sectors,  including the Institution's