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expenditure shall be made only with approval of the Board of Regents or its Executive Committee.

Fiscal Year 1993 – Budget (Schedule E)

Approval of the Regents is requested for the fiscal year 1993 Federal budget for presentation to the Office Of Management And Budget. Approval is not being requested for the fiscal year 1993 Trust fund budget at this time.

Federal Appropriations: the budget, once approved by the Regents, will become the Smithsonian budget request to the Office of Management and Budget. The fiscal year 1993 budget totals $509 million for all operating and capital needs, $114.6 million over the original Office of Management and Budget planning target. (OMB later informed all agencies to plan for a five percent reduction to the original target.) This budget continues the emphasis on infrastructure which was the basis for the fiscal year 1991 and 1992 budgets.

A significant portion of the unfunded infrastructure backlog identified in the fiscal year 1992 budget process appeared to be related to the erosion of funding from the Institution's operating base and is part of the fiscal year 1993 budget. This erosion (i.e., lost purchasing power) was a result of unfunded Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) costs and inflation, OMB's initiative to reduce the average grade level of staff, Gramm Rudman Hollings (GRH) sequestration, and an across the board reduction to all Interior agencies made in fiscal year 1991. In addition to new or expanded programs in areas of education, global change, and cultural pluralism, the Institution's request includes funding for a corps of development officers to serve individual bureaus and offices.

The Salaries and Expenses budget totals $377.2 million, incorporating approximately $19 million in uncontrollable increases, $21.9 million for base erosion, and $43.8 million in program increases. These increases include $6.5 million for Museum Support Center equipment/move, $6.4 million for computers and information systems, $4 million for the Administrative Service Center, $3.3 million for management controls and audit deficiencies, $3.2 million for specialized and technical staff and support costs, $2.1 million for the Major Scientific Instrumentation sub- account, and $2.2 million for facilities maintenance deficiencies. With respect to new program initiatives, $3.4 million is included for programs related to cultural pluralism, including a reduction of 2 million dollars in one-time funding for the National Museum of the American Indian),$3.1 million for global change research, 3 million dollars for education, and $1.4 million development officers.

The National Zoological Park Construction account at 16 million dollars is $5 million over the OMB planning target. It includes $9.3 million for various aspects of the Rock Creek master plan, $3.4 million primarily for road improvements and a maintenance facility at Front Royal, and $3.3 million for renovation and repair projects at both locations.

The Repair and Renovation account at $36.5 million is $2.9 million over target. The two components of this request are Repair, Restoration and Code Compliance ($31 million) and Major Capital Renewal ($5.6 million).