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[[4 Columned Table]]

| September 1991 ($1,000s) |  Trust Fund Balance Sheet |   | Schedule F |
| ********** CURRENT FUNDS ********** | 9/30/89 | 9/30/90 | 6/30/91 |
| ASSETS |   |   |   |
|   Cash | $2,108 | $1,137 | $2,177 |
|   Investments (Book Values)* | $66,337 | $74,437 | $58,529 |
|   Receivables | $26,876 | $28,831 | $22,829 |
|   Merchandise inventory | $15,545 | $16,491 | $15,409 |
|   Prepaid, deferred expenses & other | $16,324 | $18,151 | $16,625 |
|   Property & equipment | $23,010 | $21,060 | $20,138 |
|     Total Assets | $150,200 | $158,107 | $145,707 |
| LIABILITIES |   |   |   |
|   Accounts payable & accrued expenses | $20,813 | $24,625 | $13,844 |
|   Deposits held in custody for other organizations | $3,148 | $3,532 | $4,334 |
|   Interfund payables | $9,764 | $9,929 | $8,790 |
|   Deferred revenue | $37,107 | $34,864 | $34,667 |
|   Long term note payable | $11,312 | $11,100 | $11,000 |
|     Total Liabilities | $82,144 | $84,050 | $72,635 |
| FUND BALANCES: |   |   |   |
|   Unrestricted general purpose funds | $13,301 | $13,769 | $15,549 |
|   Unrestricted special purpose funds | $33,807 | $33,313 | $37,050 |
|   Restricted funds | $20,948 | $24,975 | $20,473 |
|     Total Fund Balances | $68,056 | $74,057 | $73,072 |
|     Total Liabilities and Fund Balances | $150,200 | $158,107 | $145,707 |
|     *Market Values | $66,280 | $72,530 | $68,737 |
| **** ENDOWMENT & SIMILAR FUNDS **** |   |   |   |
| ASSETS: |    |   |   |
|   Investments (Book Values)* | $237,437 | $251,302 | $257,775 |
|   Receivables and other assets | $10,967 | $4,316 | $2,951 |
|     Total Assets | $248,404 | $255,618 | $260,726 |
| LIABILITIES and FUND BALANCES: |    |   |   |
|   Liabilities | $10,616 | $3,355 | $953 |
|   Fund Balances | $237,788 | $252,263 | $259,733 |
|     Total Liabilities and Fund Balances | $248,404 | $255,618 | $260,726 |
|     *Market Values | $279,348 | $253,660 | $287,200 |
| ********** PLANT FUNDS ********** |    |   |   |
| ASSETS: |   |   |   |
|   Receivables and other assets | $8,163 | $7,491 | $6,619 |
|   Property & equipment | $54,006 | $54,211 | $55,489 |
|     Total Assets | $62,169 | $61,702 | $62,108 |
| LIABILITIES and FUND BALANCES: |   |   |   |
|   Liabilities | $144 | $203 | $89 |
|   Fund Balances | $62,025 | $61,471 | $62,019 |
|     Total Liabilities and Fund Balances | $62,169 | $61,674 | $62,108 |
|       *Market Values | $195 | $184 | $184 |