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agencies, universities, and private organizations with an assessment of the status of biological diversity and what is known about the occurrence and distribution of species. It would attempt to assess the state of knowledge where there is good information, where there is modest information, and where there is no information at all; to make the information concerning these gaps in knowledge known; and to encourage and support the scientists to pursue the kind of research that would fill those gaps. That kind of role would be quite appropriate for the Institution.

In discussion the Regents made several suggestions. First, there was the thought that the Smithsonian might undertake such an effort as a joint enterprise with another world organization which might have access to funding. Dr. Hoffmann explained that there have been extensive conversations with a variety of private agencies, as well as several Federal agencies, which have expressed an interest in developing a collaborative relationship. A center within the Smithsonian could serve as a focal point where the activities of a wide variety of other organizations could be coordinated. The staff of the center would not carry out its own research but would act primarily as a coordinating, informing, and organizing body.

It was also observed that the Institution must be especially careful in advancing this initiative in a period of such fiscal austerity. There is the sense in which the Institution's acquisition of new activities seems only to add strain to existing but poorly funded operations. At the same time, it is recognized that an Institution needs to try to avoid paralysis under those circumstances, and there is a great temptation to want to move ahead.

The following motion was unanimously approved:

VOTED that the Board of Regents encourages the Secretary to undertake further planning with respect to the establishment of a National Center for Biological Diversity within the Smithsonian Institution.