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[[arrow to 14 below]] [[Enclosed with bracket and underlined]] box hedge which outlined the path from the house to the river [[/Enclosed with bracket and underlined] and the dim outlines of the terraces.

[[red dot]] ^[[+]][[underlined]]14[[/underlined]]    A description of Gunston Hall in its prime records that next to the garden on the river front was a deer park and the approach from the [[strikethrough]] street[[strikethrough]] ^[[highway]] was bordered with an avenue of Blackheart Cherry trees in double rows.  The gardens today are placed as the old ones were, between the house and the river.
^[[+x [[red dot]] [[underlined]] 15 [[/underlined]]. [ ( ]] [[Enclosed with bracket and underlined]] The flower gardens as they
are today[[/Enclosed with bracket and underlined]]. ^[[ )] ]]
The traces of the plan of George Mason's time were followed as closely as possible and the planting is largely of flowers long known in Virginia.
[[strikethrough and underlined]] 15[[/srikethrough and underlined]].  This lovely old place with so much of Virginia history through the generosity of mr. Hertle, has been willed to the Commonwealth of Virginia, with the proviso that it shall remain forever in the care of the National Society of Colonial Dames.
^[[+ [[checkmark]] [ ]]
[[underlined]] SABINE HALL [[/underlined]] ^[[ ] ]]
[[red dot]] [[underlined]]16[[/underlined]]. [[Enclosed with bracket and underlined]] The garden at Sabine Hall antedates Mount Vernon.[[/Enclosed with bracket and underlined]]
Unlike most gardens it has not suffered from changing ownership and is an excellent example of the garden form shown inthe frontispiece of Philip Miller's Gardener's Dictionary which we feel so definitely influenced the gardens of America.
        The gardens are in the shape of a long rectangle, the