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^[[-]][[underlined]] The Wall of the University of Virginia [[/underlined]]

[[margin]] ^[[+]] [[red dot]] [[/margin]] [[underlined]] 27 [[/underlined]]. [[encased]]The serpentine wall was designed by Jefferson [[/encased]] [[striketrhough]]also[[/strikethrough]], on the principle that a curved surface has greater resistance, in proportion^[[,]] to its width than a straight one. It is exceedingly graceful, especially as it lends itself to shadows at all hours of the day.

[[underlined]] HICKORY HILL [[/underlined]]

[[margin]] [[red dot]] [[/margin]] [[underlined]] 28 [[/underlined]]. Hickory Hill lies twenty miles north of Richmond. It was long an appendage of Shirley on the James. The dwelling house was built and the garden begun in 1820 when a daughter of Robert Carter of Shirley married William Fanning Wickham and went to live at Hickory Hill. Great avenues of cedar and box were then laid out and are still growing vigorously. The garden plot covers approximately four acres and the "Box Walk" is three hundred and seven feet long, the trees that form it are from thirty to forty feet high. Dwarf box outlines a maze and ^[[(]]there are still growing some of the old roses brought by Anne Carter in 1820 from her home at Shirley.^[[)]]

[[margin]] ✔ [[/margin]] [[underlined]] REVEILLE , [[/underlined]] Richmond ^[[-]]

[[margin]] [[red dot]] [[/margin]] [[underlined]] 29 [[/underlined]]. Reveille is one of the oldest houses in Richmond. There are no records extant of just when the house was built, but ^[[(]]in 1791 the land on which it stands was known as the Old Brick House Tract. The original partof the house, thick walls and gable roof, remains practically untouched.^[[)]] Recently the place