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estates followed the English practice of long formal avenues, a half mile to a mile in length.

[[margin]] ^[[+]] [[/margin]] ^[[ [ ]] [[underlined]] The Orangery at Wye House [[/underlined]]. ^[[Wye River, 1719 ] ]]

[[margin]] [[red dot]] [[/margin]] [[underlined]] 32 [[/underlined]]. [[bracketed]] The Orangery was built as a part of the early 18th century plan of Wye and it is today in an almost perfect state of preservation, admirably proportioned and of great interest, ^[[(]]it is the only surviving building of its type in America,^[[)]] though we have records of many which once adorned the gardens of both North and South. [[/bracketed]] ^[[Mrs. Elizabeth now lives here.]]

[[underlined]] RATCLIFFE MANOR [[/underlined]].

[[margin]] [[red dot]] [[/margin]] [[underlined]] 33 [[/underlined]]. In the accepted mid-18th century practice, the plan of Ratcliffe gardens as they are today, show the wide central path with^[[|]]the river in the distance as the focal point, the rectangle divided into spaces which are rectangular or square, and no use of the small circles and squares of the later gardens. The box which adjoins the green forecourt was planted in an ogee curve, Hogarth's line of Beauty, which appears over and over in designs of the 18th century.

[[margin]] [[red dot]] [[/margin]] [[underlined]] ^[[34.]] [[/underlined]] Ratcliffe Manor was built in 1747 on the banks of the Avon River in Talbot County, Maryland. The main drive to the house is straight, one mile in length and planted with catalpa trees, many of which survive. They are the largest and oldest ones known in this country, the only others of comparable date are at Morven in Princeton, New Jersey.