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[[underline]] MARYLAND [[/underline]]

[[strikethrough]] [[underline]] 34 [[/underline]]. The garden proper, of which only traces of paths and ramps remain, was originally exactly on axis with the entrance and garden door of the house.  The box which bordered the divisions and the path is shown in the slide and is remarkable for the form in which it survives, proving it to have been planted in an ogee curve. [[/strikethrough]]

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[[strikethrough]] [[underlined]] MOUNT CLARE, Baltimore [[/underlined]] [[/strikethrough]] ^[[ ] ]]

[[image - red dot]] [[underline]] 35 [[/underline]]. [[underline]] Baltimore [[/underline]] is known as the City of Beautiful Parks, and in Carroll Park has been preserved the Carroll House called Mount Clare. [[bracketed]] It was built in 1750 by Charles Carroll and here his son, Charles Carroll, the Barrister, wrote the Maryland Declaration of Rights. [[/bracketed]] 

The garden has been skillfully restored and on the porch of the house may be seen two sago palms, descendants of plants brought from China in 1773 at the same time as the tea which was emptied into the Harbor on the day of the Boston Tea Party.

[[arrow pointing to red dot below]] [[bracketed]] This garden consists of a succession of terraces or "falls" as they are called in Maryland. [[/bracketed]]

[[image - red dot]] [[underline]] 36 [[/underline]]. The house is now leased as a Museum of History by the Maryland Society of Colonial Dames, and in it has been placed furniture of the period, much of it having belonged to the Carroll family.