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[[underline]]COONES-HOWARD-CHAFFEE HOUSE,[[/underline]]Augusta

^[[+]] [[red dot]] [[underline]]71[[/underline]]. [[bracketed]] At Milledge, Augusta, Georgia, is the garden of Mrs. Henry Chaffee. ^[[(]]Tradition gives the date of the original garden as 1784,^[[)]] but the design seems typical of a slightly later date - the first years of the nineteenth century. [[/bracketed]]
[[par. indent]]The formal beds are charmingly planted in many varieties of jonquils and tulips as well as other types of early flowering bulbs. The outlines of the parterres are sharply marked, giving almost the effect of a book design. This is very well done and gives a delightful effect.

[[underline]]HUTCHESON GARDEN AT PALMETTO[[/underline]]
[[handwritten text]]SKIP[[/handwritten text]]
[[red dot]] [[underline]]72[[/underline]]. A remarkably fine example of the small box garden laid out in geometric design - squares, triangles, circles, and diamonds is in Palmetto, Georgia, and is owned by F. H. Redwine. The^[[|]]beds are filled with flowering shrubs, lilies, Cape jasmines, larkspurs and hyacinths. The design is the original one, and reminds one of the garden at Holly Hedge in Camden, South Carolina, and probably dates about 1820.