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^[[+ [ ]] [[underline]]HILLS AND DALES[[/underline]] at La Grange, Georgia ^[[ ] ]]

[[red dot]] [[underline]]73[[/underline]]. [[bracketed]] ^[[(]]The nucleus of "Hills and Dales" was the Ferrell Garden, that achievement of Sarah Ferrell, the daughter of the original owners who purchased the land from the Cherokee Indians. [[/bracketed]] ^[[)]]
[[par. indent]]Sarah Ferrell, possessing a remarkable sense of design, extended the existing planting of box and evergreens, which had been done by her mother, in the manner of an Italian garden. With a sure sense of fitness she added garden after garden, each so appropriate that one would presume that the garden had been designed as a whole.
[[red dot]] [[underline]]74[[/underline]]. [[bracketed]] In 1912,Mr. and Mrs. Fuller E. Callaway bought the estate, [[/bracetd]] placing their residence on the site of the Ferrell home, taking advantage of all the axes and vistas planned by Sarah Ferrell. [[bracketed]] There are great terraces on various levels, paths bordered by evergreen hedges, towering trees,^[[-]]parterre gardens, edged with box, and much elaborate topiary work. [[/bracketed]]
[[par. indent]]The gate of this garden has never been closed: it is always accessible, day or night. In April the wisteria cascades among the snowy dogwoods, and in June many of the trees are enveloped in roses and the air is filled with the perfume of sweet olive and Bohea tea.