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^[[+ [ ]]  [[underlined]] THE HERMITAGE [[/underlined]], Nashville, Tennessee ^[[ ] ]]

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[[underlined]]75[[/underlined]]. [[encased]] ^[[(]]The Hermitage, built in 1819, was the home of General Andrew Jackson,[[/encased]] who was greatly interested in the laying out of the grounds and in the planting of the trees.

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[[underlined]]76[[/underlined]]. [[encased]] ^[[(]]The drive which leads to the main entrance^[[)]] is bordered with cedars which have grown to form a deep green frame through which the visitor first sees the house,[[/encased]] a white building in the revival classic, familiar in the 19th century.

[[red dot]] [[underlined]] 77^[[underlined]]. The garden is a large square with a circle at the center, as a study of the plan shows.  The walks which bisect the four quarters, and also surround the entire garden, are of gravel four feet in width and outlined with bricks made for that purpose when the house was built.  There is reason to believe that a New England painter, Ralph Earl, advised in the making of the Hermitage garden and the planting of the drive.

^[[+]] [[red dot]] [[underlined]] 78[[/underlined]].  The garden is beautifully kept, and the great masses of tree peonies contrasted with the deep green of individual box bushes, is especially notable.[[encased]] The slide shows one of the garden paths at the season when the crepe myrtles are in bloom; iris which blossoms much earlier, borders this path.  ^[[checkmark]] Two of the fine box, which accent all the paths, may be seen where the path crosses another. [[/encased]][[/encased.