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avenue of 28 live oaks extends from the porch to the river, the largest tree 21 feet in diameter.
[[par. indent]]The estate is now owned by [[strikethrough]]Mr. and[[/strikethrough]] Mrs. Andrew Stewart who [[strikethrough]]have[[/strikethrough]] ^[[has]] restored the [[strikethrough]]the[[/strikethrough]]entire grounds, adding many well chosen plants, groves of oranges, of bananas, an avenue of bamboos and a garden of flowering shrubs surrounded by a hedge of yuccas. 
[[handwritten note]]And this last slide is Louisiana[[/handwritten note]]
^[[ [[ ]] [[underline]]ROSEDOWN[[/underline]] at St. Francisville [[ , ] ]]

^[[checkmark]] [[red dot]][[underline]]82[[/underline]]. Each spring Rosedown is a Mecca for camellia and azalea lovers. Here in early spring they blaze in masses under ^[[ ( ]] [[bracketed]] [[underlined]] the [[/underlined]] avenue of stately moss-hung live oaks [[/bracketed]] said to have been planted by the bride of Daniel Turnbull, the ancestor of the present owners.^[[ ) ]]
[[par. indent]]Little remains of the design of the garden which was once laid out in the formal French manner. 
[[par. indent]]The estate is now owned by the Misses Nina, Sarah and Bella Bowman and has that indescribable charm that is not to be expressed in words.