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12-Press Democrat, Santa Rosa, Calif., Tues., July 1, 1952

Letter May Prove First Airmail Flight Was Here

Proof that the first airmail flight in the world by a heavier-than-air flying craft was made in Sonoma County may rest in a letter which is folded in a Santa Rosa safety deposit box.

The letter was found in the possession of Mrs. Beatrice Green, daughter of John P. Overton, who was mayor of Santa Rosa on Feb. 17, 1911, when Fred J. Wiseman made his historic flight from Petaluma to Santa Rosa. Mrs. Green, a clerk of the Santa Rosa Police Department, has custody of the letter for the Overton family.

The letter was written by George P. McNear, then mayor of Petaluma, and read: "Petaluma invites Santa Rosa to her industrial and Pure Food Exposition."

On the heading of the letter is written, "Aviation Field, Santa Rosa & Petaluma Aero Navigation Company. Trip No. 1."

On the back of the letter in Mr. Overton's handwriting is written: "This letter was carried by Airship from Petaluma to Santa Rosa, Feb. 17th, 1911. Fred Wiseman, Navigator. First trip of that sort of craft up this valley."

Search is still being conducted for the letter written by the Petaluma postmaster to the Santa Rosa postmaster and carried on the same flight. The letters are being sought in an effort to have a special commemorative stamp struck in honor of the flight.

Rep. Hubert B. Scudder, in answer to a letter from Carl A. Stahl, 1267 Los Alamos Rd., asked that the letters be found to substantiate Sonoma County's claim to the first airmail flight.

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