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"But the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him, and his righteousness unto children's children." - Psalm 103:17

The text is chosen by Dr. Morris Goldstein, Rabbi Congregation Sherith Israel.

Editor's Mail Box

Letters should be addressed to the Editor of The Examiner. They must contain the name and address of the writer, though both will be withheld if the writer wishes. Brevity is implored.

and plan to stay here for the rest of my life. 

I have made a lot of friends here and most of them are natives of this fair city. I have never been insulted by any of them just because I happen to have been born in another State.
G. S., San Francisco.

To The Examiner:

From the exchange of silly banter between certain "natives" and "non-natives," which, by the way, at times has become quite childish and sarcastic, I am wondering what has become of the sense of humor, spirit of good fellowship and spirit of friendliness for which San Franciscans are world renowned.

I am a native San Franciscan and extremely proud of the fact.... Numbered among my friends and acquaintances are many out of State people and many foreign born persons with whom I am glad to associate. They are cultured, intelligent and possess a sense of humor.

Geographical location of birth doesn't make a person better or worse. Let's be fair and a little Christian in our attitude and judge each other as individuals.... Let's stop this nonsense.

RITA KEANE, San Francisco

To The Examiner:

America must stand by her faithful friends, the Nationalist Chinese. Trading Formosa's outlying islands for an illusory peace would compound our past sins against our friends and dishonor our country beyond redemption.

Have our leaders lost all love of country that they invite the Red torturers of America's sons to debate in the United Nations?...

America must break relations with all the atheistic monsters, and announce to the world that she is through playing power politics with the "Devil!"


Time for Greatness
To The Examiner:

...It does not follow that a world without wars is also a world without conflict.

In all human society there is conflict and in almost all human societies there have been developed the means and techniques for the adjudication of such conflicts. It is only in the realm of the ever more closely knit world society that the effective means of adjudicating natural and normal conflict are missing.

For this reason, it is vital that the American people think seriously about the opportunity soon to be presented to them of considering and perhaps revising the charter of the United Nations. Now, I believe, is a time for greatness: With bold American leadership the United Nations can in fact become the effective instrument of the peace which we hoped for and thought was being created in San Francisco only ten short years ago.


Defends Bingo
To The Examiner:

...In reply to [Margaret Latrobe's column] February 9, "The Great Bingo Menace," it is about time to raise a voice in defense of an enjoyable pastime...

Is the author really concerned over bingo itself or is she attacking some church of one particular denomination which is sponsoring these games? We notice there is no mention of clubs or theaters which happen to be operating them.

It is strange since the men helping with them come after a hard day of work and they receive absolutely no remuneration, and the people themselves play as a method to pay off a debt, which they willingly contracted...

MARGARET SMYTH, San Francisco.

No Progress
To The Examiner:

...Mankind has gone forward by leaps and bounds in these past 100 years in the field of invention, but morally speaking he has remained stationary as the Rock of Gibraltar. He is as bestial today as he ever was in the long dim past...
JOSEPH REY, San Francisco.

'Save Our Civilization'

To The Examiner:

On the editorial page of The Examiner February 10 the column by Mr. E. F. Tompkins contains a misstatement of fact which is too important to be passed without correction. While it is true that Judge Harlan, recently nominated by President Eisenhower as a Justice of the Supreme Court, has been a member of the Advisory Council of the Atlantic Union Committee for several years, it is emphatically not true that the Atlantic Union Committee advocates "some form of world government..."

Regardless of the varied opinions of individual members of the Atlantic Union Committee, the organization has one primary objective: To bring together in a convention the wisest and ablest persons who can be found, for the purpose of exploring the crucial problem of how a number of the most important democratic peoples can be organized most effectively for the sake of maintaining western civilization. Senator Kefauver has just introduced into the United States Senate a joint resolution requesting the President to invite delegates to such a convention.

It is highly improbable that such a conference would give serious consideration to the remote ideal of a world government. But if it can devise a practical plan for uniting even one-fifth of the people of the world, those who are already mature enough to operate a democratic system successfully, they may deserve the thanks of all of us, as did the delegates to the Philadelphia convention of 1787.
ELIOT BLACKWELDER, Chairman, Palo Alto Chapter of AUC.

[[underlined]]ONE WORLD LED TO ANOTHER[[/underlined]]

Eggs for Every One

GOVERNOR HARRIMAN'S first gubernatorial sound-off was to proclaim January Egg Month. The Republicans are trying to hatch something out of it.

The upstate GOP is working on a goose egg right now.

Averell proclaimed, "I urge the people of this great State to eat more eggs now and throughout the year."

Now, how would that patriotic thought look engraved around the rim of the Liberty Bell?

Nobody has ever won renomination on a slogan of eggs for everybody. Can you hear a candidate saying, "I hope everybody in this audience has an egg."

When I was on the rostrum I wished they hadn't.

Iturbi got the tomato treatment, Rudy Vallee got the grapefruit accolade and I don't want an egg shampoo. I did all right in my forty years of trouping. Except one night in Detroit when I ran up against an old Indian fighter behind a post.

How was I to know he was a left handed Indian fighter? He let go with an old tomato and caught me where the face joins the expression.

I hadn't expected rumpus room service on the dais.

Poor old Harriman will have to do a lot of things as Governor. The toughest will be when he takes that fourteen mile hike with the Boy Scouts.

Copyright, 1955, King Features Synd. Inc.