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212 Cascade Drive
Mill Valley, Calif.

Feb. 10, 1951

Dear Mr.Wiseman:

It was good of you to give me the time the other day to talk over those early days in your aviation experience and I appreciated seeing your fine scrap-book.

Today I was in Petaluma and Santa Rosa and left a few covers to be cancelled tomorrow in each post office. I also spoke to the news editors in both cities and know there is quite a fine story in the Press Democrat. Another year I'd like to start early enough on the project to get some group like a Chamber of Commerce to sponsor a special cachet and announce it far enough in advance so that collectors could send for it.

Thank you,too, for loaning me the magazine which I took with me to show the editor of the Petaluma Argus Courier. It was placed in the mail here this afternoon. Hope to get an article in the Airpost Journal very soon. I sent the editor of the Airpost Journal a cover so he will know about the story.

Before the airmail covers come back next week I wonder if you would please do me the favor of signing a few more of these dated back to 1911. These will go well with the airmail items being sent tomorrow. The postmaster in Petaluma showed me some other covers that had been sent in from a friend of mine in the east for cancellation tomorrow. I've prepared one of the airmail items for you. Had it addressed here as I'm typing on a brief statement. I kept hoping that somegroup up there would have a cachet so left the envelopes blank for the most part. A man in the Petaluma post office said he remembered your flight very well.

I want to thank you again for the fine card. That is exactly the kind of material I'm collecting now and I greatly appreciate your favor.

Best wishes to you and Mrs.Wiseman.


^[[Roy C Votaw]]

Roy C.Votaw