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Cars built here by A. E. Meister company for the White Star Motor company of San Diego.  Cars have passenger capacity of twelve, and will run between San Diego and Tia Juana, Mex. –Photo by McCurray.
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Car Owners to Race 
* * * * *
To Settle Speed Claims

A RACE is being planned for either Saturday of this week or Saturday or Sunday of next week between two automobiles, an Overland, entered and driven by Fred Wiseman, and a Buick, driven by Dr. J. S. Albergaria, being the two cars that will meet over a two-mile course to be selected in the near future.

The race started out of an argument over the speed of the respective cars.  At first a $100 purse was put up by the two men to go to the winner.  After their friends heard of the intended race the purse grew until $600 will be given to the winning car.

The race is being planned to be run in secret with but the officials and holders of the purse present.  This is being done because the drivers are afraid that the Sacramento officials would not allow the speeding.  An endeavor is being made to get the Supervisors to allow the race to be run over the county road and so that anyone who wishes can see the contest.
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New Triumph Won By Overland Car

Visalia Victory Adds to Long Record fo Motor.

"The victory of the Overland car at Visalia has added more glory to that achieved by this car," says A. R. Theisen, treasurer of J. W. Leavitt & Co., distributors for the Overland car on the Pacific Coast.

"Few realize what this victory means, inasmuch as the contest was held over the ordinary country road and not over a highway especially prepared.  The contest was full of local rivalry, and the different sections represented by the entries backed their favorites to the limit of their purses.  We have received a letter from C. H. Cobb, who owns the Overland which Tom McKelvey drove to first place.  Cobb writes:

" This course was three and one-eighth miles long, with four square corners, the straight-away being one and one-sixteenth miles, and the ends were one-half mile across;  so you can see it was very difficult to make fast time, and McKelvey certainly did some good driving.  He passed the Packard in the fourth lap, which was considered his strongest competitor, and from that on he led the race until the finish, defeating the National, which was his nearest contender, by two minutes, his time was two hours and forty-six minutes, an average of a little over fifty-four miles per hour, which was very good considering the course."
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