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Wiseman Sets New Mark In Run Around the Bay

[[image - photograph of two men in a car]]
[[caption]] Fay Sheets at the wheel of the Acme car, in which he made such a creditable showing in the Santa Rosa road race.  Roy Wilkens is riding with him as he did on the day of the race. [[/caption]]


Fred Wiseman Drives the Stoddard-Dayton in Fast Time

Clips Ten Minutes off Mark Set by Auburn Car in Run Around Bay


Fred Wiseman, in his Stoddard-Dayton, yesterday lowered the record time from Oakland to San Francisco.  He clipped 10 minutes 14 seconds from the record made a short time ago by Gordon Murray in his Auburn.  Wiseman covered the distance in 2 hours 9 minutes and 18 seconds.  It was a flying trip–one that will make the capture of the cup much harder.  The start was made from Oakland at 5 a. m. sharp.  The roads were in good shape.  After leaving San Jose Wiseman was going through Santa Clara, and he had passed the telegraph pole he struck on the last run when he ran into a rut that give the car such a bounce that it tore the seats off the body.  This made it difficult riding for Peterson, who was in the car with Wiseman.  During the bouncing the gasoline feed pipe sprung a leak, and during the run up this side of the bay seven stops had to be made to get the gasoline to feed into the carburetor.  When Wiseman went over the line he had only about a quart of gasoline left in the tank.  The run on this side of the bay was made in 1
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[[image - photograph of two men in a Stoddard-Dayton]]
[[caption]] Fred Wiseman at the wheel of the winning Stoddard-Dayton with "Bob" Anthony, his assistant, and A. Dundee, in a White car, one of the winners at the Tanforan meet yes[[terday]] [[/caption]]
[[image - photograph of race cars on track]]
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Many Thousands See Him Capture Three Events at Tanforan–Free's Comet First in Exciting Novelty Race.
Any one entertaining the slightest doubt as to the Pacific Coast's enthusiasm over motor track racing might have been thoroughly reassured by taking a trip to Tanforan Park, San Francisco, on Sunday, September 20, when the Olympic Club held its second annual track fest.  The park was crowded almost to its capacity with 10,000 spectators, occupying the grandstand and field, while by actual count there were no less than 750 cars parked about the rail.

The star of the matinee was F. J. Wiseman, who at the wheel of a Stoddard-Dayton, won the three events in which he was entered, two 10 miles stock car races and a free-for-all.  The best time of the day for a mile lap was scored by Fred Dundee, driving a White steamer in a 10 miles bout with C. Kellogg (Peerless), and V. Verilhae (Thomas).  Dundee won the event and did one mile lap in 1.02, setting up a new mark for the track in the fully equipped stock touring car class.

In the opening five miles event for members of the Olympic Club, three contestants blinked when the starter's pistol was fired.  C. S. Howard began to leave Rosenfeld's Peerless, and Boas's Thomas in his wake, soon after the start.  He was never headed.

Cars listing at $2,750 and under participated in the second dash and Wiseman took
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Bert Dingley fought it out with Wiseman in the next 10 miles race and provided the biggest excitement of the afternoon.  It was nip and tuck for three miles, the latter sticking to the Stoddard-Dayton car until in the fourth mile showed Dingley that he was a little too good for him.  Wiseman was not passed thereafter and won in 11:25.

F. Free, who was expected to be a "feature" with his Comet car, did not come to life until the novelty race.  In this drivers raced on foot a distance of 50 yards to their cars, cranking the motors and then driving one mile.  Dundee and Howard jumped away first, but the Comet driver soon cut loose on his orbit, passing the White and eclipsing Howard's Buick at the tape.

Following this event, Fred Dundee redeemed himself in the $3,500 and over class, when he won with the White in 11:16, and also made the 1:02 mark for the mile.

Wiseman triumphed for the third time in the last event on the program–the free-for-all.  The Stoddard-Dayton easily disposed of the Comets, driven by Free and Cooper, the White entry meeting with generator 
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[[image - photograph of man at the wheel of a car]]