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*S. F. CALL-BULLETIN – May 27, 1948   10

[[underlined]] Aviation News [[/underlined]]

Planes in First Bay Flights to U. S. Museum

Call-Bulletin Aviation Writer

Dr. Paul E. Garber, curator of the newly created National Air Museum of the Smithsonian Institution, is in the bay area today directing the shipment of historic aircraft which made the first flight over San Francisco and other bay cities.

The first two planes now being prepared for shipment are the Fred Wiseman plane, whose builder and first pilot is now a Berkeley resident, and the Diamond plane stored at Oakland Municipal Airport.

Dr. Garber said that the new national museum to be constructed in Washington, D. C., will be on "a scale commensurate with what America has done in making aviation history."

"We will put the Wright Brothers' plane in the No. 1 honor place," Dr. Garber said during a meeting of the San Francisco Chapter of the Women Flyers of America.

"The National Air Museum's halls and courts will be huge in concept. It is planned to have a sort of moving chair system so that visitors will not tire in touring through its vast area."

Dr. Garber disclosed that he first began research on historic planes in the bay area a year ago on a visit here.

Congress authorized creation of the museum, one of the Smithsonian Institution's 10 departments, during the last session. Dr. Garber said he is negotiating with "Mother" C. A. Tusch for acquisition of her historic Berkeley air museum. He said that preliminary storage operations will begin July 1.
*     *     *
Members of the San Francisco Bay Area Chapter of the National Aeronautic Association will hold their made dinner meeting at the newly opened United Airlines maintenance base at San Francisco airport tonight at 7 o'clock. A plant tour will follow.

NAA announced that their twenty-sixth annual convention will be held June 27, 28 and 29 in Minneapolis.
Trans World Air Line will inaugurate a third daily round trip Constellation flight between San Francisco and New York June 15, TWA District Manager Frank S. Donant announces.

United Air Lines announced today a reduction in roundtrip fares between San Francisco or Los Angeles and Honolulu, effective July 1. The new fare for the nine hour transpacific hop will bee $270. One way passage will remain at $150.
Major General H.M. McClellan has been named to head the air communications, weather, rescue and flight services of the new Military Air Transport Service when it is activated June 1.

During the war General McClellan was in charge of construction and maintenance of the Air Force's worldwide system of air communications and aid to aerial navigation.
Northern California private pilots and aviation enthusiasts will converge here Saturday for the three day California Flyers' conference at San Mateo Junior College.

Highlights will be luncheon and dinner meetings Saturday and Sunday and a mass flight from peninsula airports to Half Moon Bay Airport for a "Fly-In Fiesta." Screen Star Dick Powell will be master of ceremonies during the Aviation Ball at Bay Meadows Saturday night.
It Was Legal Then
CARROLTON, ILL., May 27 (INS) - A 79 year old handbill recently found in Carrollton discloses that federal and local government approved lotteries in 1868

Plan Road Block Checks

Captain Edward R. Pootel of the police traffic bureau announced today dates on which road blocks would be set up next month at key intersections in the nine police districts for a city wide safety check of automobiles and drivers.

Dates and districts in which the blocks will be set up are: June 2, Taraval; June 4, Northern; June 8, southern; June 10, Park; June 16, Ingleside; June 17, Mission; June 18, Central; June 22, Potrero, and June 25, Richmond.

Automobiles and their drivers will be checked for any apparent violations of the traffic laws, such as having suitable brakes, proper rear view mirrors, and driver's licenses.

[[and a note - remainder of newspaper print on this page is to advertise the following]]
The House of Harris
Chinese Sky Room
Quality Foods, Inc. Groceterias
Lucky Lager beer
Edward's Coffee

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