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Fred J. Wiseman In Flight From Tideflats At Olympia

[[image - photograph of plane in the air and people watching from below]]

Fred J. Wiseman, tee famous birdman who is to appear here Friday and Saturday, won the San Jose public. The following is what the San Jose Mercury had to say about Wiseman:

"In spite of his world-wide reputation for caution, Wiseman was by far the most reckless of the two yesterday. At least, it seemed so to the hundreds who watched his turns and drives with breathless suspense. Ely mounted much higher than did his partner and made several beautifully and dangerous glides. He did not attempt to break altitude records, attaining a maximum height of about 2,500 feet. Wiseman several times skimmed so close to the grandstand that its occupants were frightened.

"On his long flight the tail of Wiseman's biplane loosened up and twisted so that he was unable to keep his plane on an even keel. He had to constantly elevate his planes and even then had great difficulty in keeping up.

"The aviation meet in this city yesterday was without doubt the greatest sensation San Jose people have ever witnessed."
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^[[Tacoma Ledger 5/27]]

Fred J. Wiseman as Result Calls Off Flight Scheduled for This Afternoon.

A good sized crowd of enthusiasts were disappointled yesterday afternoon when Fred J. Wiseman the aviator staging an aeroplane exhibition at the baseball park, failed to make a flight.

The gusts of wind which swept the baseball diamond made the aviator apprehensive as to the result of a flight and after a preliminary attempt the trial was abandoned. The admissions collected at the gate were refunded.

Shortly after 2:30 o'cock Wiseman mounted the machine, a combination of the Wright, Curtis and Farnam biplanes, and started the big motors to going. After warming up his engine he started, but on reaching the center of the baseball park shut off his power, as it was apparent the machine would not rise in the limited space afforded in the park. He had difficulty in stopping the machine to keep from crashing into the fence.

Sudden Drafts Increase.

It was then decided to tear down a section of the fence to permit the aviator to get out of the grounds, as his machine could not rise in the sudden drafts. Before this was completed the gusts became stronger and shortly after 5 o'clock Wiseman decided that he would not make the attempt.

The spectators were patient but greatly disappointed when the failure was announced.
a successful exhibition this afternoon, the fence being prepared in case it is necessary to remove a section in order to permit the aeroplane to rise.

The crowd which visited the baseball park yesterday afternoon made a thorough study of the biplane and the many questions about its construction were courteously answered by those in charge.

No Flight for Today.

Because of the light attendance yesterday afternoon the promoters of the aviation flights have decided to cancel the engagement for this afternoon. No arrangement for refunding the money for the advancle sales has as yet been made.

[[image - black diamond containing the words THE TRADE MARK QUESTION surrounding a large M]]

The Question

What will we have for Sunday dinner is easily solved by a visit to our store. We have everything the market affords. Everything the very best, at a lower price than you can buy it elsewhere. Your savings will amply repay you for your visit, saying nothing [[text cut off]] the pleasure of making your se[[text cut off]]ions from the finest stock in [[text cut off]] oma.
[[Text cut off]] me today if possible, but [[text cut off]] u can't come, PHONE. We [[text cut off]] end your orders C. O. D.

[[text cut off]] not hesitate to give us your [[text cut off]] because you are not ac- [[text cut off]] with us. We guarantee [[text cut off]] ng we sell, as to quality, [[text cut off]] weight and count. 

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[[text cut off]] er Strawberries
[[text cut off]] n Strawberries.
[[text cut off]] Cherries, 15c box.
[[text cut off]] ple, 25c each
[[text cut off]] fruit.
[[text cut off]] 20c.

Orchard Trade For Grocery
14 Acres at Granger
Two acres full bearing apples, last year yield $1,000; 10 acres 5-year Winesap and Spitzenberg, one acre 5-year peaches, one acre 5-year pears. Peaches not hurt by frost because of elevation. Full government water right. Good 5-room house, barn for 7 head of stock, 2 wells and cistern. Price, $10,500; mortgage $2,100, 5 years at 7 per cent. Owner will trade equity of $8,400 for grocery business or rental property.
A.H. Barnhisel Co.
422 California Bldg.

[[newspaper clipping]]
Machine Which Will Soar Over Ellensburg Tomorrow Arrives This Morning.

Aviator Braved Elements at North Yakima Yesterday Before Thousands of People.

Fred J. Wiseman, aviator, and party arrived in Ellensburg at early hour this morning. Wiseman stayed in bed until noon but the other members of his party, guided by Don Prentiss, were out early, inspecting the ball park and making preparations to set up the flying machine. It was at first thought that it might be necessary to take down part of the ball park fence to give him sufficient space to get into the air but after an inspection of the park Prentiss quickly announced that it would not be necessary.

"The Ellensburg park is far different from the ordinary ball park we find," he said in explanation. "When I heard that it would be in a ball park I feared it would not be large enough but this park is almost ideal from an aviator's standpoint. We generally figure on getting into the air within 300 feet but want at least 600 feet so if conditions are not right. Here he can take a run of 700 feet if necessary."

Good Exhibition.

Wiseman made some excellent flights at North Yakima Saturday and Sunday. The Ellensburg business men's committee attended the meet at Yakima Saturday and saw him make one excellent flight and another shorter one. Sunday he made three flights in the lower valley metropolis.

Saturday afternoon the weather conditions were very unfavorable for a good flight there, yet Wiseman braved the elements twice and would have gone up a third time had it not begun to rain and blow. The wind there was gusty, which made the worst possible conditions. Wiseman stated he found the air full of holes and on Sunday he fell more than 100 feet through an air pocket but as he was about 400 feet in the air at the time, the fall was not disastrous.

At North Yakima approximately 1,200 people paid to see the flight Saturday and nearly three times that many Sunday. Hundreds stayed on the outside and were disappointed because they could not see the flights to advantage.

Thrilling Features.

The most thrilling features of the flights are the starting and the landing. The crowd was allowed within 100 feet of the starting point but a wide course was kept clear. Wiseman, after testing the machinery, stepped up into the small chair, fixed the guide straps, started his engine, gave the signal and as the propeller started whirling the machine glided off, gaining speed at every revolution of the propeller, and within 100 feet was traveling at a speed of more than a mile a minute. Within 200 feet the machine began soaring into the air, mounting higher and higher. Wiseman performed several evolutions and again glided down to within a short distance of the crowd to [[text cut off]]
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