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VOL. X. NO. 8.

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Although the flanges on the propeller were overheated and in a dangerous condition when he started out Aviator Fred J. Wiseman made good this afternoon on his exhibition of the Carlyon fill, flying out over the bay and twice around the fill at the rate of about 40 miles an hour, making a beautiful fligh.

About 1,500 people witnessed the flight, but of this number only 350 had bought tickets and were inside the ropes. The daring bird-man was roundly cheered at the start and the finish of the flight. The bi-plane was started from the north side of the Mallory shed flying due north, raising off the ground about 100 feet from the start.

He went nearly to the park and then turned and came back, flying over the crowd and waving his hand to those beneath. After another flight around the circle he landed near the north end, swooping down like a bird. He was up about [[five?]] minutes. On [[?]] in gat 3:10 he set about seeing if he could make another flight in the condition of the propeller apparatus, and may make another flight later.

Early this morning the crowds began to arrive from out of town and the down town streets were crowded with ranchers and visitors from the neighboring cities all talking nothing but aviation and the chances of seeing a good exhibition. The beautiful day brought hundreds who could no have come to the city of Thursday had the meet been held then.

Big Sale of Tags
The tickets or tags which were put on the street by Assistant Secretary Fred Hepp of the  Chamber of Commerce at an early hour were bought right and left. The tags were to be seen on most of those in the crowds gathered to witness the flying.

The flying machine was taken out of the shed early this morning and placed in a roped off enclosure to the north of the building where hundreds of people visited it this morning. The last wires were tightened to their highest tension and the gasoline tank filled before noon so that all was in readiness when the aviator went to fill this afternoon.

The engine was given a try-out early this morning and was found to be working in great shape. It had been thoroughly overhauled and cleaned during the three days that the men have been in the city and was in shape for a good run this afternoon.

Crowds Gather Early.
The crowds began going to the fill shortly afternoon and by 1 o'clock a good sized crowd had gathered, The state house and most of the business houses are practically deserted, the bi-plane being the center of interest. After 1 o'clock all roads led to the fill and crowds from all parts of the city began traveling through the business district to the fill. Some say the extent of the big project for the first time and their attention was divided between the machine and the fill itself.

Several special officers were sworn in by Chief Alex Wright to keep the crowds back from the machine before the event started and while the mechanicians were putting the finishing touches on getting it in shape. The crowd caused very little trouble however, though the utmost interest was shown in the wonderful mechanical bird
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Vol. VI.
Invented Apparatus Used by Bird Man on his Flight to Cruiser Pennsylvania.
Began His Career as a Driver of
Fast Automobiles on the Track
Wiseman is the man who invented the apparatus used on the battleship Pennsylvania to stop the machine in which Ely flew to that vessel from shore last February.

Both Wiseman and Ely started on their careers as drivers of fast automobiles, and are considered the most successful and daring aviators in the country. One of the most thrilling automobile races pulled off by this pair was from Oakland around the San Francisco bay to San Jose and back to San Francisco. In this race Wiseman passed Ely on the way to San Jose and between San Jose and San Francisco Ely passed and defeated Wiseman. Those who witnessed the event claimed that after leaving San Jose Wiseman's engine was practically loosened and dropped from the frame of the machine by the terrific speed.

Mr. Young, who also directed the tour of Mr. Ely, says that aviator would probably have accompanied Wiseman on his tour had it not been for the fact that a previous engagement with Uncle Sam prevented, Ely being sent by the government to instruct the army aviators how to fly along the Mexican border.

Wiseman was one of the big drawing cards at the recent San Francisco meet and has been flying continually since then. He was one of the few who was able to carry away prize money at the Tanforan meet at San Francisco. His recent flights have been in Santa Rosa, Petaluma and Vallejo.

[[image: photo of Fred J. Wiseman]]
[[caption: Fred J. Wiseman]]

"A flight in an aeroplane is quite an experience," said Phil Anderson, a local hotel man who has been interested in flying machines for approximately three years. "I went up with Hamilton in Seattle a year ago and really enjoyed it after [[torn paper ends the article]]