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A large crowd made the trip from this city to El Pizmo beach yesterday to enjoy an outing on the sands and witness the flights made by Fred Wiseman, the noted San Jose aviator. In spite of the fact that his biplane arrived here in a damaged condition, Mr. Wiseman have several splendid flights, which were a real pleasure and surprise to the people who remember the aerial fiasco which occurred in the city on Fourth of July last.

The biplane's machinery was broken being transported to the beach, but being unwilling to disappoint the crowd, the aviator and his mechanicians set to work and repaired it in remarkably quick time. The machine did not arrive in San Luis Obispo until 5 o'clock on Sunday morning.

The flights made were of a most spectacular order. On his first flight Mr. Wiseman sailed gracefully back and forth along the shore, showing perfect control of his machine, interning, etc., and then rose and soared out of sight and off to Oceano. In returning he made the trip from Oceano to Pizmo in the remarkably quick time of two and one half minutes, at a rate of more than one mile a minute, although the aviator states that he did not have his engine entirely open at the time. He was in the air altogether fifteen minutes on the first flight.

The second flight was even more spectacular than the first. Mr. Wiseman went straight out over the sea in a splendid flight aloft in which he broke a world's record for rapid climbing, his machine rising at a remarkably acute angle. In descending he made a straight dive for the waters, which showed perfect control of the biplane, and then skimmed back and forth over the breakers at a low altitude above the sea. After ten minutes he came in and alighted on the beach.

The large crowds who watched the daring bird-man from the shore were greatly impressed and thrilled by his exhibitions, and flattering compliments for Mr. Wiseman were heard on all sides. The aviator himself states that his exhibitions yesterday or simply to give the public a taste of what he will do on the fourth, and that his flights tomorrow will by far eclipse all his previous efforts here. Judging from the favorable comments heard today in regard to the aviator, there will be a large crowd in attendance from this city tomorrow.

Dancing also formed a pleasurable feature of the day at the beach yesterday. Tomorrow there will be an oration by Hon. Warren M. John of this city, music by the San Luis Military band, fireworks, dancing and the flights of the birdman.
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The most successful aeroplane flight ever witnessed in this county was the feature of the greatest celebration in the history of El Pizmo beach yesterday, when Fred Wiseman, the noted aviator, circled the beach at an altitude of nearly 1000 feet over the heads of an assembled multitude of 5000 people gathered from San Luis Obispo, Monterey and Santa Barbara counties. There were many other interesting features of the day, but the aeroplane flights were what all were most anxious to see, and the success of this portion of the entertainment has given El Pizmo beach a boost which the people of this section will not soon forget.

The crowd was the largest gathered at the popular resort in some time. There were about 950 tickets sold over the excursion trains from this city alone, and it is estimated that fully 1500 came down from King City and intermediate points. It was necessary to run an extra section here, and it was also necessary to run extra sections to accommodate the crowds from Guadalupe and other points to the south. Besides this hundreds came in rigs, autos and private conveyances of all kinds.

In the morning the assemblage enjoyed a concert by the San Luis Military band while the beach was dotted for miles with those enjoying a stroll or siesta on the sands. Many donned bathing suits and enjoyed a bracing dip in the surf, although the sky was overcast and the weather none too warm. At soon the exercises were held, Deputy Sheriff Ed Van Gordon acting as president of the day, in which capacity he made a most fitting speech. Warren M. John was president of the day, and delivered a brilliant oration on the flag and its history, and the greatness of the American nation today, which was received with liveral aplause. In the afternoon large crowds enjoyed dancing in the pavilion, for which excellent music was furnished by the San Luis Military band.

Many brought basket lunches and enjoyed a leisurely repast on the beach, which was an act of rare foresight as the El Pizmo Inn is crowded to the doors throughout the noon meal and the excellent hospitality of the popular dining hall was taxed to its utmost capacity. Manager Percival handled the crowds most efficiently throughout the day and was the recipient of many compliments for his fine management.

Two flights were made by Wiseman, who won a reputation yesterday that will stand him in good stead wherever he goes throughout the state in future. The first was a test along the beach, in which the aviator rose gracefully in the presence of admiring thousands and made a short flight, showing wonderful control of his biplane. The second flight was made shortly after four o'clock. The aviator rose from a point near the hotel and soared off toward the hills to the northeast, rising abruptly as it seemed he was about to run into them, and making a sharp turn. He skimmed back over the beach at a height of 1000 feet, and disappeared rapidly into the fog banks in the direction of Oceano, reappearing in a few minutes flying back at the rate of more than a mile a minute. He soared over the heads of the crowd once more, and making another graceful circle, descended at an acute angle which showed wonderful control of his bird-like conveyance, upon the beach within a few feet of his starting point.

So successful were the flights, and so pleased were all sold him, that the management of El Pizmo beach has decided to retain the aviator over next Sunday, when he will make more flights.
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Aviator Fred Wiseman met with an accident at 11:15 o'clock Monday morning in which is flying machine was smashed and himself slightly injured at the first exhibition flight at the State Fair grounds.

Wiseman got a good start and sped through the air gracefully till he attempted a turn at the south end of the field, when his machine was about 100 feet in the air. His engine suddenly cut off, compelling him to be sin. When he was within about 25 feet of the ground a gust of wind struck the rudder, causing the aeroplane to land on one of its wings.

The wings and body were badly damaged, though the engine was uninjured. Wiseman suffered a sprained wrist and the sprained knee. He expects to have the machine repaired and in working order again in a couple of days.

Mrs. Wiseman was seated in an auto at the track when the accident occurred. She hurried on the field, thoroughly frightened when the fall occurred, but was soon reassured by her husbaand.

Wiseman made a neat flight past the grand stand and was giving a pretty exhibition up to the time of the accident.
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