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^[[Ellensburg Record 5/12]]

Invented Apparatus Used By Bird Manon His Flight to Cruiser Pennsylvania.

Began His Career as a Driver of Fast Automobiles on the Track.

Wiseman is the man who invented the apparatus used on the battleship Pennsylvania to stop the machine in which Ely flew to that vessel from shore last February.

Both Wiseman and Ely started on their careers as drivers of fast automobiles, and are considered the most successful and daring aviators in the country.  One of the most thrilling automobile races pulled off by this pair was from Oakland around the San Francisco bay to San Jose and back to San Francisco.  In this race Wiseman passed Ely on the way to San Jose and between San Jose and San Francisco Ely passed and defeated Wiseman.  Those who witnessed the event claimed that after leaving San Jose Wiseman's engine was practically loosened and dropped from the frame of the machine by the terrific speed.

Mr. Young, who also directed the tour of Mr. Ely, says that aviator would probably have accompanied Wiseman on this tour had it not been for the fact that a previous engagement with Uncle Sam prevented, Ely being sent by the government to instruct the army aviators how to fly along the Mexican border.

Wiseman was one of the big drawing cards at the recent San Francisco meet and has been flying continually since then.  He was one of the few who was able to carry away prize money at the Tanforan meet at San Francisco.  His recent flights have been in Santa Rosa, Petaluma and Vallejo.

[[image - portrait photograph of Wiseman]]
[[caption]] Fred J. Wiseman [[/caption]]

"A flight in an aeroplane is quite an experience," said Phil Anderson, a local hotel man who has been interested in flying machines for approximately three years.  "I went up with Hamilton in Seattle a year ago and really enjoyed it after the first fear had passed away.

"Hamilton took  up a girl with him one day and I went up the following.  I should estimate we went up about 600 feet.  Sometimes the machine glides through the air very smoothly and again it will rock as the wind strikes it.  It certain is an experience to be remembered."

Anderson has been working on a model of an aeroplane for several months.  He has made two other small models, both of which sailed easily.  All of his models are too small to carry passengers but are propelled by small motors which he controls from the ground by means of small ropes.

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Wiseman Flies From Petaluma to Santa Rosa

[[image - portrait photograph of Wiseman and sketch of plane flying over mountains]]  
[[authors - P.R. TERKELEON  B. HENRY - PHOTO]]
[[caption]] Fred J. Wiseman [[/caption]]

SANTA ROSA, February 18. – Fred J. Wiseman of this city made a successful flight today from Petaluma to Santa Rosa.  The flight was made in a biplane of Wiseman's own design, and was the result of a pledge made by the aviator after his unsuccessful attempt to fly at the rose carnival here last year.  At that time Wiseman declared that he would not attempt to fly here again until he had made a flight from Petaluma to his home town.

Wiseman left Petaluma at an early hour, carrying with him fifty copies of a local morning paper.  He scattered the papers along the course of his flight.  He maintained an average altitude of 100 to 200 feet and landed without any trouble in a field just south of the city limits.  He was greeted by a large crowd of cheering fellow-townsmen.  On Saturday and Sunday the young aviator will attempt a series of flights at the citrus fair now being held at Cloverdale.

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Announced to Make Flights at the Race Track Tomorrow and Sunday Afternoon

Announcement was made last night that in connection with harness racing at the track on Saturday and Sunday afternoons, Fred Wiseman, the Sonoma county aviator, will make flights.  Wiseman and his machine arrived here from Sacramento several days ago, and both are ready for the flight.

The races here are under the auspices of the California Horse & Stock Breeders' Association.

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Fred Wiseman's Flying Machine Drops on Wing When Engine Refuses to Act in Making Turn

Aviator Fred Wiseman met with an accident at 11:15 this morning in which his flying machine was smashed and himself slightly injured at the first exhibition flight at the State Fair Grounds.

Wiseman got a good start and sped through the air gracefully till he attempted a turn at the south end of the field when his machine was about 100 feet in the air.  His engine suddenly cut off, compelling him to descend.  When he was within about 25 feet of the ground a gust struck the rudder, causing the aeroplane to land on one of its wings.

The wings and body were badly damaged, though the engine was uninjured.  Wiseman suffered a sprained wrist and a sprained knee.  He expects to have the machine repaired and in working order again in a couple of days.

Mrs. Wiseman was seated in an auto at the track when the accident occurred.  She hurried out on the field, thoroughly frightened when the fall occurred, but was soon reassured by her husband.

Wiseman made a neat flight past the grandstand and was giving a pretty exhibition up to the time of the accident.

[[newspaper clipping]]
People of Rincon Valley and the School Children Enjoy Unexpected Treat

Fred J. Wiseman made a fine exhibition flight in his airship in the big pasture field on Supervisor Herbert W. Austin's ranch in Rincon Valley yesterday morning.  It was witnessed by a number of his friends and the Rincon school children were also most interested spectators as well as many people in different parts of the Valley.

Wiseman flew for about two miles, and most of the time was at an altitude of 200 feet.  He soared over Supervisor Austin's house and buildings, and in the words of one of the spectators, "went away up."  It was a most successful flight.

Yesterday afternoon the airship was packed, as Wiseman will leave in a few days for Sacramento, where he will make several flights at the State Fair.