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[[newspaper clipping]]
Thursday, August 5, 1948  11

Gen. Cox Inspects National Guard Camp;  Materiel Shortage Report Still Under Study

The report on initial material shortages among District National Guard units training at Camp Pendleton, Va., yesterday was reported still "under study" by the Army Department.

Compiled by Col. Merle Thompson of the general staff, the report was submitted to Maj. Gen. Harold Bull, chief of the division of organization and training two days ago.

Yesterday Brig. Gen. Albert L. Cox, commanding officer of the District Guard, whose staff had been under fire from Col. Charles M. Myers, training officer at the camp, over what Myers had termed an "utter failure of supply" made an inspection tour of the camp.

The General inspected troops, equipment and sleeping quarters and expressed himself as pleased with the state of training and satisfied with the living conditions generally.

The troops' noon meal of Swiss steak, fresh vegetables, ice cream and lemonade looked "so good," the General remarked, that he sat down in the 260th Gun Bn., mess-hall and demolished a trayful.

Later the General, accompanied by Colonel Myers and Col. Leroy S. Mann, commander of the encampment, viewed ack-ack firing with toy balloons as targets.

General Cox will visit Dover, Del., Sunday where members of the Air National Guard are in training.  Special ceremonies are planned.

Truman to See Press
Pres. Truman will hold his weekly news conference at 10:30 a.m. today.

That Loosen
Need Not Embarrass

Many wearers of false teeth have suffered real embarrassment because their plate dropped, slipped or wabbled at just the wrong time. Do not live in fear of this happening to you. Just sprinkle a little FASTEETH, the alkaline (non-acid) powder, on your plates. Holds false teeth more firmly, so they feel more comfortable. Does not sour. Checks "plate odor" (denture breath). Get FASTEETH at any drug store. 

Science Calls it
The Greatest Invention Since Radio

All in One Appliance

Prescribed by many doctors as an aid in the treatment of house dust allergies, chronic head infections, sinus, asthma, hay fever, etc.
(See "Ask Anne" Column in The Post of July 30)

[[Takes?]] the drudgery out of housework, eliminates dust rags, dust mops, brooms, scrubbing brushes, mops and vacuum cleaners.

[[Your?]] Health will be improved by not breathing the DUST and GERMS you NOW breathe in your home.

REXAIR is accepted for advertising in the Journals of the American Medical Association.

Phone for Demonstration Without Obligation



[[206?]] Wisconsin Avenue N.W. 

ORdway 2143

[[This?]] high-proof Gin makes flavor-full drinks
[[image – a penguin walks across a tiny ice floe carrying a tray with two drinks on it; on the next ice floe is a tall liquid filled glass in which ice cubes, sliced citrus fruit, and what looks like an olive, next to which is standing a knight in helmet and full plate armor carrying a long shield]]
[[Distilled?]] Dry Gin [[midline dot]]  Distilled from 100% Grain Neutral Spirits. Kinsey Distilling Corp., Linfield, Pa.

A man possessed by the sea... and something more!
A portrayal as exciting as in "Captain from Castile" 
[[image – a woman and a man in a tense romantic embrace; her head thrown back,, she wears something with a bodice, which will soon probably be ripped; the man appears to be looking directly down her bodice]]
The Sea Is a Woman
[[underline]]...beautiful... and, like you...cruel![[/underline]]
Deep Waters
CESAR ROMERO [[midline dot]] DEAN STOCKWELL [[midline dot]] ANNE REVERE
Ed Begley
Directed by HENRY KING [[midline dot]] Produced by SAMUEL G. ENGEL
[[box]] 20TH CENTURY FOX [[/box]]
Screen Play by Richard Murphy [[midline dot]] Based on the Novel "Spoonhandle" by Ruth Moore
[[image – against the background of sailing ships and ocean waves, a small boy in facial close up; a grown man in shirt and trousers and outdoor jacket, standing powerfully, his feet a foot and a half apart, hands on hips and black boots up to the knee]]
[[image – a representation of a book entitled [[Spoonhandle A NOVEL BY RUTH MOORE; caption – From the best-seller "SPOONHANDLE" that thrilled millions in Reader's Digest!
On the big STAGE
FRED LOWERY America's Foremost Whistling Virtuoso
with DOROTHY RAE Song Stylist

SAM WHITE Comedy Star of the Original Cast of "Show Boat"


BURNS TWINS & EVELYN in a Dancing Mood


STARTS TODAY cool Loew's Capitol F [[midline dot]] at 14th OPEN 10:45

Clark to Get Legion Award for Service

Attorney General Tom Clark will be honored by the District Department, American Legion, at the opening of its thirtieth annual convention tonight at 8 o'clock in Hotel Statler.

The Attorney General and several others, including Harold Hegstrom, head of the National Training School for Boys, will receive a certificate of distinguished service.

Owen C. Holleran, local department commander, will welcome the 1200 persons expected and Rear Admiral Edwin C. Ewen, USN, chief of Navy public relations, will make the principal address.

Interior Secretary J. A. Krug is scheduled to present a stand of colors to members of the Interior Department post.

Friday night the principal speaker will be James F. O'Neil, national Legion commander.

Business sessions will begin that evening, resuming at 2 p. m. Saturday.

Legion Boys Warned of 'Red Swindle'

Delegates to the American Legion boys forum yesterday were urged to "protect" themselves against Communistic "swindlers."

Karl Baarslag, research specialist for the Legion's National American Commission, told some 90 boys at American University:

"It is a duty of citizenship for you boys to protect yourselves against swindlers, and Communists are a new type of swindler. They are after your country and your liberty."

He charged that the old American Youth for Democracy is now "fading into" the Young Progressives of America. "There are the same faces, the same game but new suckers," he declared.

Later, delegates to the third annual forum visited the Senate and inspected the Naval Academy at Annapolis.

Today, following an early morning visit to the Federal Bureau of investigation, graduation exercises will be held at 11 a. m. in Hurst Hall. James F. O'Neil, national commander of the Legion, will preside.

At 2:50 p. m. The boys are scheduled to visit the White House and Pres. Truman is due to receive them at 3:30 p. m. After that the forum adjourns.

Army Mules May Lose Their 'Bray'
By the United Press
The Army medics have a new hush-hush project underway, it was disclosed yesterday.

They are going to take the bray out of Army mules.

Army veterinarians observe a strong silence when questioned about the project. But other officers said an exhaustive staff study has been made and orders will go out soon to "debray" mules before they are sent overseas.

It seems that the Army horse medics are worried about possible objections from the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. The SPCA kicked up a furore over the "debarking" of dogs in New York City in recent years and had the practice abolished as inhumane.

But Army officers say they have good reasons for wanting to take the bray out of mules. They said brain can often reveal the presence of United States soldiers to the enemy.

Furthermore, the officer said, the operation is painless. The mule would get his voice back later, when he wouldn't endanger the lives of his masters and brother mules. The whole job could be accomplished by a simple injection.

A few old mule skinners have protested against the "de-braying." They said the braying of a mule can be very useful at times.

[[image – flanked to left and right by palm fronds, six glamorous bathing suit models also wearing high heels assume a variety of postures – standing, sitting, reclining or down on one knee]]
ATTENTION! Amateur and Professional

DRUM POINT BEACH, Maryland, has been selected as location for the Beach Outing-Party of almost 50 gorgeous, curvaceous TED SHANE MODELS. What an excellent opportunity for amateur and professional photographers to "shoot" these beauties against the background of glorious natural beauty of DRUM POINT BEACH, Washington's most spectacular Beach! And you can do so FREE OF CHARGE — No charge for Admission. In addition, professional rates will be paid for photographs selected. FREE TICKETS AND INFORMATION at all photo Shops.

Leahy Announces

15 Boards Will Handle Draft Here

District Selective Service Director WIlliam E. Leahy announced last night that Washington will have 15 boards to conduct the new draft of 19-to-25-year olds.

The decision was made at a meeting last night of the board of directors of the Selective Service Association, an association of local World War II draft officials. Leahy, who directed the last draft, is its president.

Also decided at the closed meeting, Leahy said, with the names of those who will be nominated to head the draft boards. The list will be submitted to the Commissioners Monday for transmission to the White House, where the appointments are made.

Leahy said it is hope that all 15 boards can be housed under one roof. As in the last draft, school buildings and other convenient locations will be used for registration, which will run from August 30 to September 18.

The last draft required 25 boards. Leahy said the greater number of registration days this time presents new problems in numbers of personnel needed.

Other details of registration, classification and draft board personnel are still being worked out, Leahy said.

Employment Rights of Active Reservists

Armed Forces reservists who went on active duty after last June 24, start of the new Selective Service Act, are eligible for full reemployment rights along with all draftees, the Labor Department said yesterday.

Robert K. Salyers, head of Labor's bureau of veterans' reemployment rights, pointed out that the draft act extends reemployment rights to all persons who enter active duty "in response to an order or call." He said reservists must also apply for reinstatement in their work within 90 days afttr release.

Veteran Unit' Auxiliaries Unite Effort

Formation of a Council of [[Veterans?]] Auxiliaries here to "[[unite?]] and work for our common goals was announced yesterday by Mrs. Ruth Petsos, national [[hospital?]] chairman for the American [[Veterans?]] of World War II [[Auxiliary?]] (AMVETS), said members will work to:

1. Promote good will and [[friendship?]] among veterans auxiliaries.

2. Discuss and exchange ideas and problems.

3. Unite our strength [[for?]] the benefit of our country, of community and our veterans."

The Council, now drafting its Constitution and bylaws, elected as its temporary chairman Mrs. Martha Reynolds of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary. Other officers include Mrs. Esther Hoffman of the Jewish War Veterans, temporary treasurer; Mrs. Alma M Dube of the Disabled American Veterans Auxiliary, temporary secretary; and Mrs. Lillian [[Penell?]] of the Army and Navy Union Auxiliary, historian.

Among auxiliaries represented in the Council so far are the Navy Mothers, Gold Star Wives, Gold Star Mothers, Veterans of Foreign Wars and Military Order of the Purple Heart. The next meeting will be August 25.

County Chest Apportionment Is Announced

Apportionment of Prince Georges County Chest funds this year among County agencies was reported yesterday by Edgar F. Czarra, Chest president.

Czarra said $108,823 was contributed by County residents during the drive last December and an additional $19, 776 was received from the Greater Washington Chest Federation.

Funds were distributed as follows: Hospitalization, $35,945; Catholic Charities, $21,040; Special Service League, $19,500; Girl Scouts, $13,212; Boy Scouts, $11,815; YMCA, $11,707; Chest and Planning Council administration, $10,292; Camp Fire Girls, $3,334 and emergency reserve, $1754.

Walter V. Hurley of 4322 Farragut st., Hyattsville, chairman of the residential committee, said he will announce names of eight area chairman later this week.

[[image – sea lion balancing a stack of seven variously sized books on its nose]]
Don't ask an educated seal
Look in the Yellow Pages – your Classified Telephone Directory –
for Pianos
Phonograph Records
Restaurant Equipment
or almost anything else

[[underline]]Taking Pictures[[/underline]]
Move off Direct-Light Line for Fine Effects
by Ollie Atkins

From the early days of the box camera, picture takers of made it a rule to work with their backs to the sun. The rule persists today with many snapshooters who do not feel well enough informed about photographic lighting to change from this sure but monotonous lighting.

Do your snapshots have eyes blacked out with underexposed shadow areas? Do long nose and chin shadows ruin your portraits? Then move away from this direct lighting line and make your subject turn from straight sunlight and you'll find summertime sun will brilliantly side-light your pictures. The eyes will be more natural too, for it is rare to find a person who can stare into direct sunlight without squinting.

With the harsh summer sun you may find the lighting contrast between the highlights and shadows is too great even for modern films to compensate for. Notice this before you click and move to areas which reflect light into the shadows such as near concrete walks in walls, light colored buildings will also do the trick. A newspaper held three feet from the shadow area will throw sufficient light to build up shadows. The morning and evening sun is not nearly as contrasty as the high-noon period and will allow you to work without artificial means.

On your exposures involving bright sun and shadow be very accurate. Use your meter to get readings of both brightly and dimly illuminated areas and split your exposure between them with any favor of additional exposure favoring the shadows.

THE National Photographic Society announces a camera stroll this coming Sunday at 2 p. m. Which will include interior at the Pan American Building, the Aztec Gardens and waterlilies in Rawlins Park. meet at 17th st. and Constitution ave.

A further report on my new Frigidaire dehumidifier — The first night it drained 3 quarts of water out of my darkroom which is in a basement and is 21 by 12 by 8 feet in size. The less moisture in the air, of course, the less the machine will drop into the bucket. Over a normal day's operation I estimate it will drain three to 4 quarts of water from the air in my darkroom.

The machine is made to operate in areas up to 8000 cubic feet. I am now in the process of boiling up all my rusted machinery and cleaning mold from bellows and leather camera cases hoping at long last this problem of damp dark rooms has ended.

The first double frame with a fully automatic film transport and shutter wind, permitting either single exposures or bursts up to 15 frames in rapid sequence is the Foton, a 35-mm. still camera developed by Bell & Howell. Release is scheduled late this year.

The Cine-Kodak Special Camera — Kodak's top-quality 16-mm. movie maker — now features a new type lens turret and improved reflex, I-level and peepsight viewfinders. One of the best movie machines available this camera is also priced high — $860 plus tax.

Collier's Magazine is seeking good color pictures suitable for cover pictures. They want photographic slices of American life — of young people in striking story-telling situations against natural realistic backgrounds. Young men and women, children, animals and pets are high on the preferred list. Transparencies smaller than 2 1/4 by 2 1/4 will not be acceptable.

Nine major airlines have rescinded

The Girls Want His Phone Number
[[image – face and hair only of friendly looking clean shaven man]]
so does the boss. Maybe they'll catch up with him today at 12:30 at 980 on the dial.

[[Image – a girl wearing a party dress, ankle socks and Mary Janes sits on a print armchair; caption – "Using natural light in the late afternoon, Oscar Seidenberg, 3730 9th st., nw. was able to get this pleasant picture with an inexpensive folding camera. You too can make pictures like this with simple cameras. Do not work too close to the subject, set the camera on a steady table and exposure with fast film will vary around 1/25 to 1/10 of a second with average lens stop about F/8 or F/11."]]

their ban on the shipment of flashbulbs by air, following extensive research by the Government engineers, manufacturers and the airlines themselves.

There was found to be no validity to the charge that bulbs are apt to ignite prematurely due to radar or other high frequency radiation. Shipment of bulbs henceforth will be accepted when in original cartons and properly identified. American Eastern, Northeast, United, Western, Mid-Continent, Monarch, TWA and Pan-American are among those who have already lifted the ban.

An excellent selection of pictorial photographs from the Metropolitan Camera Club Council in New York City is on display until August 31st in the National Museum of the Smithsonian Institution.

618 12th St, N.W.

529 14th St., Opp. Willard Hotel

809-7th St. N.W. RE.8293

Fuller & d'Albert
for 27 Years at
815 10th St. N.W.
NAtional 4711

Everyone Makes Photos
Good Portraits Are Made by Good Photographers


For Beginners and Advanced Photographers

"School of Practical Photography"
2637 Connecticut Ave. N.W. MIchigan 2266

[[image – woman in two-piece bathing suit and bathing cap diving into water]]
for Extra Energy
[[image – a smiling polar bear visible with paws on top of an ice floe; caption – "SHOP IN OUR AIR-CONDITIONED STORES"]]
[[image – the character labeled "MR. PEANUT" holds up a peanut ten times his size with the words "THE PEANUT STORES"]]
1010 F ST. N.W.
Opposite Woodward & Lothrop

721 14th ST. N.W.
Bet. G St. & N.Y. Ave. N.W. 

705 15th ST. N.W.
Bet. G St. & N.Y. Ave. N.W on 15th St.