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This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[underlined]] Diurnal Mammals [[/underlined]]

at Washington Zoo
Aug. 8&9, 1937

Most carnivores in part 
Tiera in particular

Most squirrels
Sigmodon, mainly Sciurus except white squirrel from [[strikethrough]] Microdipodops, apparently [[/strikethrough]]

Transcription Notes:
Hi :)- a few [[?]] left in each page are perfectly fine as everyone has different skill sets and even the best of us have trouble figuring out some words. Hitting "complete and mark for review" as long as the page has been transcribed (again a few [[?]] remaining is fine), is exactly what should be done, as this signals to other volunpeers that the page needs a second look for editing. Thanks for all the hard work on this! -Caitlin, TC Coordinator