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Nov. 4, 1937

[[underlined]] Julesburg [[/underlined]], Colo.

The sun rose at Julesburg right out of the short yellow grass into a blue sky, warm and still and pleasant. No frost. A good growth of grass and weeds and a prosperous look to the country. Very little stock. All shipped out to be fed. No timber except cottonwoods along Pole Creek until we reach Pine Bluffs where pines & junipers cover the rimrocks of a limestone plateau. Some crops on irrigated bottoms, corn sugar beets, alfalfa, caffer corn & small crops —

Transcription Notes:
caffer corn = kaffir corn?? I think the comparison is correct. kaffir corn was/is also called caffer corn. Who keeps hitting the "Complete and Mark for Review" button when there are still [[?]] in the document? Please stop. I have seen AT LEAST five like this now.