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[[underlined]] Fallon, Nev. Nov. 6 to Dec. 14, 37 [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] Birds [[/underlined]] V.B.

Loon, A few seen
Eared grebe, Common
Pied billed grebe, a few
Western Grebe, " [[ditto for a few]]
White pelican, a few, bred at Pyramid
Faralone Cormorant, a few seen
Great Blue heron, Com. to Dec. 14
Black crowned night heron, breed
Am. Bittern, one seen, a few 
Least bittern, has been taken
White faced glassy Ibis, one seen
 Abundant in summer
Whistling swan, many seen
Canada goose, hundreds seen 
Lesser " " [[dittos for Canada goose]], one killed, com. 
Lesser Snow Goose, 10000 estimated
Mallards, Many flocks
Gadwall, large flocks, com.
Baldpate, many seen to Dusk