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Pintail, large flocks
Green winged teal, common
Blue winged teal, rare, none seen
Cinnamon teal, a few, abn. breeders
Shovellers, common
Wood duck, A few
Redheads, Common.
Canvas back, A few flocks
Lesser scaup, A few killed
American Goldeneye, A few, 1 ♂ 
Bufflehead, A few
Ruddy duck, a few
Am. Merganser, Common
Redbreasted, a few
Hooded merganser, " " [[dittos for a few]]
Turkey buzzard, " [[ditto for a few]]
Western Goshawk, A few killed
Sharp shinned hawk, Abundant
Coopers hawk, A few
Western Redtail, Common
Swainsons hawk, A few