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[[underlined]] Birds, [[/underlined]] Thickahatchee Swamp Fla

[[underlined]] May 13 [[/underlined]]

Woodducks  3
Black mallards  30, a few pairs
White Ibis  1
Great blue heron, com
Little blue herons " [[ditto for com]]
Night herons " [[ditto for com]]
Am. egrett  a few
Egrette  " [[ditto for few]]
Green heron  3
Sandhill cranes 2
Yellowlegs  1
Spotted sandpiper 3
[[strikethrough]] Spotted sandpiper, 3 [[/strikethrough]]
Turkey buzzard numerous
Black vulture  1
Wild turkey  1
Ground doves, com.
Redtail hawks 2
Red shouldered hawk  com.
Swallowtail kite  several