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Barn swallow  com. nests
Cliff swallow  a few
Bank " [[ditto for swallow]] com.
Violet green " [[ditto for swallow]] " [[ditto for com.]]
Audubon warbler 1
Townsend " [[ditto for warbler]]  1

Vireo gray headed   a few
" [[ditto for Vireo]]
Black headed grosbeak, family
Pipilo chlorurus  a few
" [[ditto for Pipilo]] [[megdouix?]]  " [[ditto for a few]]

Vesper sparrow  com.
Spizella arizonae " [[ditto for com.]]
Sialia currucoides " [[ditto for com.]]
" [[ditto for Sialia]] bairdi " [[ditto for com.]]
Robins  " [[ditto for com.]]