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2.5 grms per cu ft 450 " " [[dittos for grms per]] pound 2.5 ) 450. ( 180 = cu ft to lb 900 ) 110.0 ( .122 [[calculation under 110.0 above]] 900 [[line]] 2000 1800 [[line]] 200 [[/calculation under 110.0 above]] [[multiplication calculation]] 13 50 [[line]] 650 [[/multiplication calculation]] [[calculation]] 5000 180 [[line]] 400000 5000 [[line]] 900[[strikethrough]]000[[/strikethrough]] [[/calculation]] [[calculation]] [[strikethrough]] 13 9000 [[line]] 7000 [[/strikethrough]] [[/calculation]] 18[[strikethrough]]0[[/strikethrough]]0 900[[strikethrough]]0[[/strikethrough]] (50 90 [[line]] 180 ct ft to lb of H. Air weighs 14 times = 14 lbs [[underlined]] Hence 180 [[/underlined]] lb H have [[underlined]] 13 [[/underlined]] lbs ascentional force. [[line]] .06 ) 1.00 ( 16 6 [[line]] 40 35 [[line]] 4