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[[terrain map of a central area of Japan between Fukuoka and Kitakyushu]]

[[Following is handwritten on the map]]

[[yellow line]] = Jeep trips
[[blue line]] = Airplane

[[note: blue and yellow lines are hand drawn all over map to indicate airplane and jeep travel routes]]

My first 3 flights:
#1. Nagasaki
#2. Hiroshima
#3. Ashiya

[[one blue line heading off SSW is labeled in red: "#1." Along this route is a side trip ending with the notation: "Cloud cover. Another blue line is labeled "#2," and another "#3."  The names YAWATA and KOKURA are boxed in red.]]

Transcription Notes:
Area shown is roughly between Fukuoka and Kitakyushu (between 130-131 W and 33-34N.) That segment includes one of the marked sites "Ashiya" (about 33° 45' N, 130° 40' E)