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App not Req.

Prepare in Duplicate

Local Board No. 1  51
Whitley County 183
[[underlined]]JUN 20 1944[[/underlined]]   001 
301 W. Van Buren Street
Columbia City, Indiana

(Local Board Date Stamp with Code)

[[image: Round seal with eagle in center; text around the top SELECTIVE SERVICE SYSTEM * * *]]

[[stamped]] JUN 20 '44 [[/stamped]]
(Date of mailing) 

ORDER TO [[underlined in red]] REPORT FOR INDUCTION [[/underlined in red]]

The President of the United States,

To (First name) ^[[William]]
   (Middle name} ^[[Earl]]
   (Last name) ^[[Jones]]

   (Order No.) ^[[11,547]]


Having submitted yourself to a local board composed of your neighbors for the purpose of determining your availability for training and service in the land or naval forces of the United States, you are hereby notified that you have now been selected for training and service therein.

You will, therefore, report to the local board named above at

Whitley County Local Board
Selective Service System,
310 W. Van Buren Street,
Columbia City, Indiana 
(Place of reporting)

at (Hour of reporting) ^[[8:30 A]]m., on the ^[[1 st]] day of ^[[July]] , 19^[[44]]

This local board will furnish transportation to an induction station. You will there be examined, and, if accepted for training and service, you will then be inducted into the land or naval forces.

Persons reporting to the induction station in some instances may be rejected for physical or other reasons. It is well to keep this in mind in arranging your affairs, to prevent any undue hardship if you are rejected at the induction station. If you are employed, you should advise your employer of this notice and of the possibility that you may not be accepted at the induction station. Your employer can then be prepared to replace you if you are accepted, or to continue your employment if you are rejected. 

Willful failure to report promptly to this local board at the hour and on the day named in this notice is a violation of the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940, as amended, and subjects the violator to fine and imprisonment.

If you are so far removed from your own local board that reporting in compliance with this order will be a serious hardship and you desire to report to a local board in the area of which you are now located, go immediately to that local board and make written request for transfer of your delivery for induction, taking this order with you.

[[signed]]A.M. Johnston, Chair-[[/signed]]
Member or clerk of the local board.


D.S.S. Form 150
(Revised 1-15-43)

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[Partial scan]]

[[Army Air Corp logo]]

Be It Known That 
^[[Pvt. William E. Jones 35 903 979]]
Has Satisfactorily Completed The Prescribed Course of 
^ [[Flexible Gunnery]]
Given at ^ [[Tyndall Field, Panama City, Florida]]
From ^ [[9 April 1945]] To ^ [[19 May 1945]]
In Testimony Whereof and By Virtue of Vested Authority I D
Given on this [[underlined in red]] ^ [[21st]] [[/underlined]] day of [[underlined in red]] ^ [[May]] [[/underlined]], one thousand nine hun
Attested: [[signed]]Benjamin S. Halsted[[/signed]] 1st Lt., Air Corps, Secretary.
[[signature]] John W. [/signature]] Com


Panama City, Florida


[[underlined]] EXTRACT [[/underlined]] 

15. The fol named EM ACU atchd unasgd Sq I 2135th AAFBU [[underlined in red]]
dy requiring regular and frequent participation in aerial 1945 [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] will remain on Permanent Flying Status [[/underlined]] until revo
Auth: C 4 AR 35-1480 dtd 12 Aug 1944 and AAF Reg 3
1942 as amended.

[[Two columns]] [[First column]]
Pvt Louis L Agozzino      33 809 414
Pvt Kenneth B Artice      33 759 230
Cpl Raymond L Belding     31 026 978
Pvt Eugene Bodelson       42 067 588
Pvt James F Boyle         11 139 271
Cpl Edward B Cannan       18 197 249
Pvt John E Carter         14 147 591
Pvt Jasper E Coffey       37 516 618
Pvt Charles W Coleman     36 864 055
Pvt Wilton S Corbridge    39 729 182
Pvt Robert W Dupar        19 195 496
Pvt Joseph R Fabian       35 559 239
Pvt Frederick J Fuess     32 942 221
Pvt Philip S Greenspan    36 759 773
Pvt Raymond M Gwin        34 630 771
Pvt Charles F Hayden      33 750 306
Pvt James N Hudson        34 825 812
[[pencil underlined]] Pvt William E Jones [[/pencil underlined]]    35 903 979
Pvt Leonard H Kelly       39 866 518
Pvt Charles O Kortokrax   35 149 463
Pvt John R La Rue         36 897 679
Pvt William J Leonardis   42 106 637
Pvt John J Lyden          12 178 091
Pvt Harry I Markowitz     33 513 465
Pfc Francis R Meehan      32 867 090
Pvt Thomas D Moffett      35 225 217
Pvt William E Nall        34 825 962
Pvt Charles P Nix         35 559 285
Pvt Richard S Owczarczak  42 021 424
Pvt Walter A Parker       35 758 475
Pvt Wendell K Phillips    35 224 833
Pvt Carl W Robinson       34 887 756
Pvt Robert P Rowe         35 149 217
Pvt Zane E Semander       18 228 125
Pvt Walter A Simmons      35 870 217
Pvt Leon D Slepow         14 202 699
Pvt Robert K Smith        11 136 925
Pvt Richard I Squint      35 559 022
Pvt Henry J Steinfurth    33 710 745
Pvt George Sugarman       12 100 780
Pvt John Tylko            42 147 227
Pvt Louis C Webster       33 514 962
Pvt Lew A Westfall        35 294 860
Pvt Joseph L Zajucia      35 234 182
[[End First Column]] 

[[Second Column]] 
Pvt Garland M Allis
Pvt Marvin D Baumga
Pvt George Beyerlei
Pvt Peter J Bongior
Pvt Kendall D Bruns
Pvt Harmon W Carrol
Pvt Harry T Cassidy
Pvt Henry B Cohn   
S/Sgt Gordon W Coll
Pvt Homer O Culbert
Pvt Bobby V Ellis  
Pvt Donald A Fathau
Pvt Robert B Gilmor
Pvt Charles L Greeso
Pvt Leland W Hagguis
Pvt Ronald B Houston
Pvt Lloyd J Hughes  
Pvt Harold P Kelley 
Pvt Charles N Kim   
Pvt William G Larkin 
Pvt Francis M Lee Jr 
Pvt Phillip M Libby  
Pvt Roy C McElroy    
Pvt Robert F Martin  
Pvt Griffith E Mered
Pvt George D Moyers 
Pvt Robert D Nault  
Pvt Thames I Norris 
Pvt General R Parker
Pvt Leon J Pepchinski
Pvt Robert T Poole   
Pvt David W Robinson 
Pvt Louis F Schneider
Pvt Edwin W Shinn Jr 
Pvt John Sitar
Pvt Harry R Smith
Pvt James W Spradlin J
Pvt Theodore L Starr
Pvt Arthur L Stephens
Pvt Joseph C Sweeney
Pvt Walter A Weber
Pvt Donald F Weller
Pvt William C Worrell
[[End of second column]]

16. So much of the unexecuted portion of sentence published[[cut off]]
Court_Martial No 58 this Hq dated 6 Mar 1945 as involves restrict [[cut off]]
of Pvt Robert B Impson Jr 38 732 069 ACU atchd unasgd Sq K 2135th [[cut off]


Transcription Notes:
See scan 11 for transcription of the partial scan.