Viewing page 17 of 307

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Armed Forces Induction Station
2015 South Pennsylvania Street
Indianapolis, Indiana

Special Orders   EXTRACT     3 July 1944
No. 157             *            *

1. Under authority contained in AR 615-500, and pursuant to instructions contained in Plan for Induction of Selective Service Men, Fiftieth Induction Period, Headquarters, Fifth Service Command, 13 June 1944, each of the following named men having been inducted into the Army of the United States, will proceed without delay to Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana, reporting upon arrival to the Commanding Officer of the Reception Center for processing and assignment to a Replacement Training Center of the Army Service Forces or Army Ground Forces. TDN. The Q[[M?]], this Hqs., will furnish necessary transportation. Cost is chargeable to 501-31 P 43 -02 A 212/50425.

U [[/underlined]]
[[column 1 of 2]]
1. John D. Thomas 35903919 25
Acting Corporal. 
2. Homer Rice            35903920
3. Harold A. Mosley      35903921
4. Lawrence M. Nicholson 35903922
5. Redford Smith         35903923
6. Herman L. Hazelwood   35903924
7. Stanley S. Parrott    35903925
8. James W. Gibson       35903926
9. James R. Amiok        35903927
10. Harel McCory         35903928
11. Robert E. Riordan    35903929
12. Billy J. Schwein     35903930
13. Loyd R. Jones        35903931
14. James R. Huddleston  35903932
15. James T. Blevins     35903933
16. Albert F. Klinge     35903934
17. Carl T. Ritz         35903935
18. Neal W. Stuckwish    35903936
19. John E. Taylor       35903937
20. James C. Jewell      35903938
21. Harlan L. Gillaspy   35903939
22. Martin W. Hehman; Jr.35903940
23. Charles E. Chastain  35903941
24. Robert L. Baldwin    35903942
25. Robert V. Burgess    35903943
[[/column 2]]
[[start column 2]]
26. Tony Trenta          35903944
27. Donald E. Mallatt    35903945
28. Winfred E. Pless     35903946
29. John E. Ball         35903947
30. Olin D. Sorrells     35903948
31. Robert Bex           35903949
32. Willard L. Mathews   35905950
33. William R. Green     35903951
34. Elgin L. Mull        35903952
35. Edgar L. Tape        35903953                   
36. James E. Lockenour   35903954
37. Leon E. Purlee       35903955
38. Frank T. Emery       35903956
39. Wilbur R. Mount      35903957
40. Lewis J. Collier     35903958
41. Edmund R. Newlon     35903960
43. Robert L. Lewis      35903961
44. Loren M. Elliott     35903962
45. Wilbur E. Chastain   35903963
46. Ervin L. Thompson    35903964
47. Herschel W. Mindel   35903965
48. Raymond E. Chitwood  35903966
49. Malcolm E. Taylor    35903967
50. David H. Murphy      35903968
51. Sammuell R. Foddrill 35903969
52. Homes G. Dyer        35903970

[[page number]] -1-[[/page number]]


[[stamp, roughly in printed box]]
Local Board No 1    51
Whitely [[? ?]]  183
MAR 14 1944    001
301 W. Van Buren Street
Columbia Ciry, Indiana
[[/stamp, roughly in printed box]]
Local Board date stamp with code)
[[image: round logo of SELECTIVE SERVICE SYSTEM]]

(First name) ^[[William]]
(Middle name) ^[[Earl]]
(Last name) ^[[Jones]]
(Order number) ^[[11547]]

Having been forwarded for preinduction physical examination and having been examined, I hereby certify that you have been found: certify that you have been found:

1. □ Physically fit, acceptable by Army for general military service.

2. □ physically fit, acceptable by Army for a limited military service.

3. ☑︎ [[underlined]]Physically fit[[/underlined]], acceptable by Navy, including Marine Corps, Coast Guard.

4. □ Rejected, physically unfit.

5. □ Rejected, physically fit but unacceptable for other reasons.physically fit but unacceptable for other reasons.

(Date of examination) ^[[[[stamp]] MAR 4 1944 [[/stamp]]]]

Name ^[[Charles A. Macomic ny]]
Induction Station Commander
[[Rank ^[[stamp]] [[Chester A Macomic, AUS]][[/stamp]]]]
Station ^[[stamp]] [[HDQ 1583rd S.U. AFIS, INDIANAPOLIS, IND. [[/stamp]]]]
DSS Form 218   GPO

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[Diploma of Completion]]
[[image: Army Air Force Logo]]
Be It Known That
^[[Pvt. William E. Jones 35 903 979]]
Has Satisfactorily Completed The Prescribed Course of Training For ^[[Flexible Gunnery]]
Given at ^[[Tyndall Field, Panama City, Florida]] From ^[[9 April 1945]] To ^[[19 May 1945]] 
In Testimony Whereof and By Virtue of Vested Authority I Do Confer Upon Him This

[[attached sheet only partially visible beneath the typed document below]]

[[underlIned]] R E S T R I C T E D [[/underlIned]]
S.O. 125 Tyndal Fld Fla 5 May 1945
[[top edge of newspaper clipping]]
8 Wednesday Evening, APRIL 22, 1970
[[/top edge of newspaper clipping]]

[[attched typed sheet]]
[[underlined]] RESTRICTED [[/underlined]]


3. By direction of the President, under the provision of Executive Order No. 8809 (Bull. 17 W. D., 1941) as amended by executive Order number 9323, (BULL. 6, W. D., 1943) the Good Conduct Medal is awarded by the Commanding Officer, V Fighter Command, for exemplary behavior, efficiency, and fidelity during the period of continuous active Federal military service Required by AR 600-68.  (Arm or Service is Air Corps unless otherwise noted).

[[two columns]]
[[left column]]
Sgt John F McCarthy      6908356
Sgt Herbert L Schwabe    16196080
Cpl Charles O Bacon      19207819
Cpl Robert E Dodge       19159461
[[underlined in pencil]] Cpl Paul F Giguere [[/underlined in pencil]] 11139992
Cpl William Fokotovich  15345354
Cpl Edmund A Szymenski  12241546
Pfc Walter G Clardy     19233950
Pfc Peter A Piegari     42175051
Pfc Paul E Emenheiser   33877118
Pvt Donald R Graham     33864323
Pvt Donald V Powell     39588023
Pvt Donald J Sack       13191050
Pvt Walter J Saiwa      13191050
Pvt Lawrence Weaver     16196529
[[/left column

[[right column]]
Sgt Emmet A Jacobson    37745764
Cpl Nicholas D Assaf    11141480
Cpl Robert M Bryza      16187282
Cpl John R Frye         16123871
Apl Gerald P Gillespie  14243719
Cpl Erhard E Miller     37709570
Pfc William A Broivogle 36844371
Pfc Harold I Davis      37746972
Pfc Kenneth J Roe       39345590
Pvt Arthur N Anderson   14147643
Pvt George F Capasso    11140448
Pvt Robert G Pierce     11140084
Pvt Matthew V Ross      36846660
Pvt Thomas P Shiel      31470705
Pvt Francis Southwick   19202301
[[/right column]]
By order of Colonel Parker:   5
[[/attched typed sheet]]

Transcription Notes:
This and preceding scans (11-16) consist of layered, fold-over sheets flipped up for transcribing.